Bad migraine and stomach
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I’m here yet again . I guess I am due on again next week as it will be 3 weeks Monday since my last period . Oh joy ! Since Wednesday I have at times a severe migraine which then went to a niggley headache once more yesterday back to veering on migraine again tonight . This time the pain on the left side of my face and the back of my head . The other day it was on the right , which is where I usually get it . My stomach feels unsettled with it . It doesn’t matter what medication I take , it doesn’t help . I can’t tell my husband I’m feeling poorly AGAIN . So now I’ve just gone to bed . All I want is to feel better and not have to be always whinging about some ailment . Half the time I just try and put on a happy face , struggle through and try not to let on . Is this all normal . What are these severe headaches all about . My doctor has assured me they are all hormonal and I’ve had a thorough check up at the opticians . My mum used to suffer with migraines , but sadly she has passed now . I am 50 and still have regular and often heavy periods . My sister has said she will come to the doctors to discuss HRT , but I don’t really want to go down that route yet . I’m just fed up of feeling ill and depressed
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samantha42264 jane63977
Im not sure what is normal anymore but I've had a headache for about 4 days, 2 of the days were before my period and now 2 days into my period. Im not someone that normally gets head aches, but this month I had way more hot flashes during my pms than I ever have, so Im guessing the headache is something new to add to the list.
I Im 46 and my peri symptoms started at 40, I have had many of the peri symptoms some came for a few months, then just went away all by themselves. Im trying to just stay calm and not get so mad about it anymore. My mother passed away too so I can't ask her, but I don't think she experienced it the same as some of us woman do, I only ever remember her talking about hot flashes, I don't remember her commenting about pain or anxiety and she didn't seem overly moody. My grandmother swears she really didn't have any syptoms, but she is 98, maybe she has forgotten
I hope you get a good rest and feel better very soon.
metamorphed jane63977
i don't know what normal is I'm just sick of it now. I get those migraine type headaches too and now i have a UTI and on more tablets for this now. I had been reluctant to go to the doctors because I have been trying to accept that it is all hormones causing all this. but in the end had to go and sure enough it was something else. It's the not knowing when you should put it down to hormones or that it's something that has to be treated is the most confusing and is what causes me the most anxiety. Fed up feeling ill too Jane, I'm a wreck
Guest jane63977
Hi Jane,
I am with you on this .... I suffer from migraines and my stomach is off for days during and after. I also can get non migraine headaches that last for several days. Having one now actually. Started yesterday and still with me. I keep a lot to myself as I feel like I can't complain to my husband or kids. It is awful feeling so crappy and struggling through. I am so tired of feeling unwell. It has become my new normal and it has me quite depressed as well. I do have good days but they are so few and far between now.
Mars777 jane63977
Hi jane I use to get the headaches / migraines like you mostly in my forties? Mine was my blood pressure & menopause. I was always feeling as you were always some ailment. I now know it was menopause! Horrible symptoms, I am now post meno I started HRT @ 57 when my periods were coming to the end. Best thing I did was to go on HRT as a new lot of symptoms came along Anxiety, hot sweats, night sweats etc .. good luck with the Drs.