Bad morning

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ive had a total of two hours of sleep tossed and turned all night hot and cold, woke with sinus congestion seems since i had that head cold sinus has been a constant bother and making this head dizziness worse. due to start today not sure if it will show up but my breast arent sore no more, im so uncomfortable in my own body my mouth and eyes are so dry all this is so insane. does anyone know if perimenopause cause allergies? seems my ears and nose are staying stuffy clogged lately all this is tormenting me my head feels like its stuffed with cotton or something ugh

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I have a constant post nasal drip with stuffy nose. My ears always feel clogged and pop through the day like I have been on an airplane. I find it goes in cycles and is related to hormones, allergies and colds. This season has been awful so far for colds and flu and it is only October. I try and use daily a saline nasal solution to clear the sinuses and if feeling bad the doctor said to use a nasal decongestant. If I don't do this, I will feel dizzy as my ears feel blocked. Dry eyes are common peri symptoms too. For my eyes, I have drops. Hormone changes are so fun.

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      what nasal solution do you use? i cant take decongestant i have high BP they apparently raise BP

    • Posted

      I use an over the counter saline nasal spray. Most drug stores have a generic brand.

  • Posted

    Yes all these these are symptoms of perimenopause. I have them all. However, my sinus is getting better each day but not my dry eyes & skin. I use lots of eye drop without preservatives. Take care of your diet & sleep.

  • Posted

    Yes all these these are symptoms of perimenopause. I have them all. However, my sinus is getting better each day but not my dry eyes & skin. I use lots of eye drop without preservatives. Take care of your diet & sleep.

  • Posted

    Yes all these these are symptoms of perimenopause. I have them all. However, my sinus is getting better each day but not my dry eyes & skin. I use lots of eye drop without preservatives. Take care of your diet & sleep.

  • Posted

    thats how i feel. people constsntly adm if i have allergies, i do but this sniffling is constant. My head feels like a balloon and dont get me started on my eyes. They are SO dry. I jyst started night sweats and hot flashes. They are not too bad but they always leave me feeling wierd. I hate thus peri nenopause

  • Posted

    I have been like that for the past year! I always have a head pressure (like sinus pressure, but all over), clogged ears, cotton/spacy head, dizziness/vertigo, dry, dry, dry and about a million other things! Lol! I have read some of your posts, and it seems we have similar things going on! Perimenopause definitely cause allergies, and makes existing ones worse. I will be thinking of you! If you ever have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to me. 😃

  • Posted

    Do you have a humidifier? They work wonders during this time of the year. Yes our membranes are weakened by hormonal changes. Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.

    • Posted

      no but im gonna get me one my sinuses is so dry and stuffy causing the dizziness to be worse ears constantly making noises when i swallow

  • Posted

    Yes-- my Dr told me that as we age allergies get worse. Lovely I know--All this crap happens as we age. I haven't lately but I need to use the nasal spray-- I think that helps.. Also there is some OTC meds for head pressure and that's the one that I use.

  • Posted

    2 years post meno and still wake up with my right ear plugged and both ears popping, just like being on an airplane. My eye doc prescribed fish oil for the dry patch over my eye. That has helped. I use a saline nasal spray when it gets real bad. And if I don't use Carmex on my lips they crack. This has been the worst years of my life. I drink water all day long. Always have. Recently gave up coffee. Hasn't helped much. Usually don't fall asleep until the early morning hours. If I get 4 hours it's a good day. Been taking Nyquil last few nights. Knocks me out for a bit, but has done nothing to relieve the symptoms. I pray that we all come through this and feel good again one day. Always here if you want to talk. x

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