Bad Nausea
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Ladies for the past 3 days i have been having such nausea so much that yesterday i vomited. Today i have been having nausea, headaches, digestive and stomach issues and pain in my right calf. I am a mess. Why is this happening to us someone please explain. I am lost for words. I was fine up until July. Then this hormonal hell hit me. I cannot stop crying
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Guest sally15609
Im right there with you sally, ive been going through this for a long while now....but this past year i hardly have a day where there is no nausea. Its so bad now i just pray i go quietly in my sleep cause being awake is torture. Feeling so sick every day and not bring able yo eat is killing me. i weigh 92 pounds (im in the US) but i used to weigh 120! I cry about this all the time too. I hang out on these message boards hoping to see ladies that are finally well into menopause with no periods saying they feel better but most dont 😦 it feels hopeless
sally15609 Guest
Brandy reading your message brought tears to my eyes. Please don't say that. I don't know you but no for sure that someone needs you to be here. I no this is hard, some days are manageable and some days are unbearable. I too am trying to understand all of this. Even my eating has changed. I cannot have dairy anymore. I use to love cheese, sour cream yogurt ice cream but now i cannot stomach it. My symptoms go hay wired after i eat it. I am so thankful for this forum and you ladies. I would be lost without you all. Please hang in there Brandy you are wanted and love. You will make it through, all of us will. God bless
Guest sally15609
Thanks Sally 😦
lisa34985 sally15609
Hi I suffer from digestive issues as well had it on and off for the best part of a year every few weeks it was like h having a bug or food poisoning just didn't know what it was and I work with children so I thought I was catching bugs all the time . then it stopped for nine months and now it's returned again I've had on two separate occasions after drinking a cappachino which made me think the machine was unclean then had it after eating pre packed sandwiches and food from M&S so asked for a stool test at the doctors,the symptoms are always the same headache,nausea,diarrhoea ,feeling hot and malaise for 1-2 days it's really strange.
cindy17746 sally15609
it is hell! I am certain it gets better. I've been where you are, many days, but am slowly getting better as the days go by without a period. I'm having an off day today, but they are fewer and fewer. I totally get the feelings of distress. I cry a lot on my bad days. But good days will come! Believe it!
Guest cindy17746
Just curious as to how many days you have gone with no period? Are finally well into menopause at least a full year with no periods? Im asking cause i went 186 with no period but i still felt so sick all that time and low & behold i had another not 42 days after my period and still feeling sick as ever every single day i get no relief. im just so scared this wont end even after my periods are completely gone 😦
cindy17746 Guest
I am 72 days without a period. Before that, I had never missed a period, my entire life, and could predict them to the day. And then nothing. And I definitely noticed a big improvement. I keep track of my good days and bad days in a journal. In the spring, I was having a record number of bad days- more bad than good. Then I had only 2 bad days in July, and only 1 in August. Still having symptoms, but nothing compared to what they were, in terms of frequency and severity. My sister was the same. She is almost a year without periods and doing much better. Maybe your body is not quite done? I read that about 10% of women stop their periods abruptly and that most stop more gradually. I hope my reply was helpful! We are all different, but we will all get better. xo
Guest cindy17746
Thanks for the reply i think my body is still trying its best to have periods thats why im still so sick!! I will have a period, then none for 3 months then have have a period then none for 6 months! its driving me crazy but the nausea is the absolute worse! its killing me and im praying once my body is done with this song and dance i will finally feel better cause i lost so much weight and i cant afford to lose more. there has got to be an end in sight!
cindy17746 Guest
I hear you. And truthfully, I still get nausea a lot, it's just not as intense as it once was. I'm able to eat. You definitely can't afford to lose more weight! I'm a tiny person too, and really notice it when I lose even 3 or 4 pounds. Last summer, I was sick for 4 weeks- extreme nausea, diarrhea, fatigue every single day. Went to emergency- they diagnosed a virus, but I was sure it was perimenopause, exacerbated by stress (my husband told me he was leaving). (And my doctor later confirmed it was peri and stress hormones having their fun with me.) I would watch people on TV walking around like normal humans, and wonder how they were doing it! I lost a lot of weight, and it was disturbing to me. One thing that made a big difference- I started taking hydrolyzed collagen powder. Two scoops in my morning smoothie. It helped a lot-with settling my stomach and my nerves, and the protein gave me more energy. You may want to give it a try. Lots of varieties on Amazon. I hope it gets better for you. Today is not the greatest day for me, and it brings me back to those days, these last few years, when I felt there was no hope. I've had lots of days when I've felt genuine hope and health, so I know it's not all hopeless. I'm here anytime! Take care! xo
Guest cindy17746
Cindy...thanks for the advice on that powder i will give it a shot. I do the same thing watching people go about life with smiles on their faces while i constantly feel like i have the stomach flu! I hate that you had it severely but im glad im not the only one too cause i tell you i feel like im insane especially since the drs say that perimenopause cant cause the symptoms i have....who would cause themselves to feel this way purposely? i hate drs now cause of how i was treated by them. But i just hope this does start to even out i could handle nausea days here or there, but having it all day every day for months unend is brutal! Im sure you get what i mean there too, i get so jealous watching my family indulge in food...i wonder how can they swallow that food without their stomach churning...i miss that life and forget what it feels like.
cindy17746 sally15609
I know. It robs you of yourself. Why weren't we better prepared for this? Hot flashes and night sweats only scratch the surface!!! If you Google perimenopause and nausea, ( I always type in perimenopause first and then my symptom, so I'm not being taken to scary possibilities), there is lots there that supports this is a very normal symptom of hormone fluctuation. My doctor is convinced, as well!! After the bout last summer, I still continued to have digestive issues for 10 months- the collagen helped ( I got my energy and appetite back), but they were still present. Diarrhea every single day. It's only been the last couple of months that I have felt much better in that regard. I really hope it improves for you. Another thing I started doing was drinking a glass of Hydralyte every morning, to keep my electrolytes up. I still do, every morning. When I was really sick, they dropped, and I had to get an IV at the hospital. I'm remembering all of these tips as I type. 😃