Bad tired of this :-(
Posted , 5 users are following.
Lay down to go to sleep, and can’t now.
I’m so tired of this- I know you’re all tired of it too, and I’m just venting AGAIN.
These head issues drive me absolutely crazy.
The “tremor thingys”....a few of you have talked about feeling them too. It’s almost like a buzzing or fuzzy feeling at the back of my head.
Almost- not quite but almost as if it could be “heard”, but I can’t actually “hear” it. Sometimes it feels like a faint throb- and like my heartbeat is in my head.
I’m starting (I think) to notice that it precedes a headache. Seems like i get a headache like 15 min or so after it starts.
Today has just really been annoying. Aches and pains in various moving spots- like my body is trying to set off dang fireworks or something.
Periods all wonky and weird. Last month light as heck and only lasted 4 days, now this month heavier and almready on day 6. AND showed up a week early.
ALL of these things point to some out of whack hormones, and I know that. But the health anxiety that kicks in when the symptoms start makes it worse.
Ok everyone- sorry for complaint yet again- I’ve been posting on this forum like everyday for darn near a week now. Been a tough week and communicating with ladies who either understand or better yet, HAVE the same issues, is the most helpful thing to me thus far!
I know absolutely none of you, but consider you ALL friends.
2 likes, 4 replies
sarahonadowner Str8tfans
Hang on in there and be reassured that all over the world there are plenty of ladies in the same boat.
Hugs to you x
2chr2015 Str8tfans
Girl me too. I just woke up. Running a temp last night. Throat hurting. Of course I have some awful disease because my immune system can't fight it off. My period started a week early this month. Then on day 7 (when I thought I was almost finished), I had cramping and then a big gush and a clot. Ugh. Sorry. I'm laying here dreading that I might have to go to the doctor to get some antibx for this throat stuff.
juanita93228 Str8tfans
Don't ever feel like you can't get on here and vent. Everyday if you have too. I've been off work all week on vacation and was fine until I had to go to Thanksgiving dinner. I have no idea why I was so anxious about it. I took half a Valium and managed to have a good time.
I also got up with stiff shoulders yesterday, but not so much today. Could it be anxiety(the shoulder thing)? I know anxiety manifest itself in many ways. Anyway, I don't know. I too am grateful for this forum.
michelleds Str8tfans
Hang in there. You're not alone.