Bad panic attacks
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Usually I take my time to eat my food to avoid choking out of fear, but when I was eating dinner today, not too long ago, I was eating some rice and beans and the red bean I did bite once slid down my throat quickly and I started panicking since I wasn't that finished chewing on it. I felt the sensation and quickly drank water to bring it down and haven't felt anymore, but for some reason my anxiety is making me feel like it could still be there. I been to the urgent care before for an x ray done and they never found any piece of food actually stuck in my throat when I felt like something was there in my windpipe. They told me anxiety can give you a lump in throat feeling or feel like you have food stuck and I feel like going to the ER out of fear, since I'm not sure if I will be okay or not. Usually I cook my beans tender and it will take one bite for it to easily break, but the small piece that slid down and felt stuck, definitely frightened me. I'm not sure if I should go to the ER, but I don't want to waste their time. Is it anxiety or could it actually be stuck still?
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Shanny1997 sammy78408
Hi Sammy, I had something similar to this problem where I ate foods and it felt like it was stuck, even if I chewed the food so much. If this happened to you before and the doctors checked your throat and did an x-ray and found nothing, then I guarantee the same problem could be just your fear of it. If you actually do have food stuck in the windpipe you would be coughing, have trouble breathing and can't even talk or do anything. But, if you're able to talk, eat and drink, then those are good indicators that you're fine. It's anxiety controlling you dear, I know how hard it can be to believe it, but I been in this same situation before and I had to convince myself eventually to ignore that feeling and accept my symptoms are anxiety. Hope you're doing okay and take care.