Bad skin ?!
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hi ladies💃🏻
I'm 46yrs old and besides feeling not myself at all…😢 I'm notice breakouts on my arms and boot😬😢 the skin condition I'm talking about appears to be like acne but more like super stubborn little bumps… it's really annoying and embarrassing to show my arms! I'm also noticing my arms appear fatter😬 Are any of you ladies going through any thing similar ?! Please ladies share your stories I'm going crazy😢
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jane5216 Goddess1
Hi Goddess, I'm currently covered in a rash but it doesn't sound like yours. Does it itch or hurt?
Goddess1 jane5216
Yes it does! Girl! This stuff it's harder than I ever imagined! God blesss us🙏🙏🙏
jane5216 Goddess1
Might it be an allergy? Mine doesn't hurt or itch and Dr Google tells me it's not life threatening so I'm trying to pretend it isn't there. Really unsightly though. Wanted to have a massage to help with the anxiety but I don't dare - it looks like I've got some hideous, contagious disease!
Goddess1 jane5216
you might be right because when I eat a lot of starchy foods it seems worst… but yes I so can relate with hideous part I'm ashamed to display my arms😢😢 I pray it gets better for us!
Good luck girl, hugs!