Bad stomach
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So yesterday I posted about my dizziness / faintness , today its ibs type symptoms again and nausea . I have a low cramp and had to keep using the toilet . I had this a couple of weeks ago and have finished another period a few days ago . Is there a pattern to all this ? My health anxiety is in overdrive . Ive had lots of issues over the past four years and Im still convinced its terminal . I hate my stomach feeling like this and my migraines seemed to have ramped up a gear lately also. Last year I started missing periods , but now its gone back to being regular and lately only 21 days between or just over . My periods are often very heavy and painful . I was 52 in August and dont to feel like this for the rest of my life . I know that stomach problems are often mentioned , but as soon as I have bowel issues I think cancer
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Troldepus71 jane63977
Hi Jane
I'm sorry to hear about your symtomps and health anxiety. I'm exactly the same...
Since peri I have migraines 12-15 days a month, I have stomach issues with frequent BM's, mood swings, hot flushes and much more. But worst is the health anxiety - it makes it all 100 times worse! I have stopped googling stuff as it makes me even more anxious.
I know what you are going through - we must hang in there - this hell will be over some day!
sally15609 jane63977
Jane you are not alone. I woke up this morning with pain under my right breast rib, hard to explain, stomach feeling funny. I feel like i need to do a bowl movement but cannot, i am so constipated. My anxiety is on a high right now, cannot even walk. I am at work trying to keep it together but i do not no how long i can go. I am shaking writing this, i am a mess. My mind is thinking all crazy thoughts. Dear God help me.
cindy17746 sally15609
I hate these days, ladies! So hard on the head
sharcerv52408 jane63977
Yes, unfortunately I can relate all too well to how you're feeling. For the past few days I have been experiencing an upset stomach. I had some no-no items to eat this weekend which triggered my gastritis. Even though I know it's gastritis, my mind still wants to think the worst case scenario game. I can't take much more of this either. I want off this crazy rollercoaster ride!
Lkl2019 jane63977
if I do too much or get overheated I have loss of appetite and my stomach starts gurgling. I also think it's all something terminal. worst time of my life 😦 hugs
Escarole jane63977
Hi, I understand what you are going through, at the beginning of my perimenopause I had really bad migraines with nausea and ibs strong symptoms, cramps, abdominal inflammation with loose stools episodes. I even had to go to the ER, and they even told me it was some virus. I was so scared because I never knew when it was going to happen.. Until the doctor and I finally reached the conclusion it was all hormonal related. The migraines and ibs symptoms have improved lately (while others have appeared) so my advice is try to stay calm, don't panic, be patient and eat as healthy as you can. I went to an accupuncturist and it helped with my migraines a little bit. I hope you get better soon
cindy17746 jane63977
I have experienced the same. Have given more stool samples than anyone should, had pre test for colon cancer. Perfectly healthy. My doctor, who is amazing, says it's menopause-related IBS. What you are experiencing can definitely be a symptom of hormone fluctuations. My guts are off today- ruins the whole day. I hope you improve! xo