Bad stomach pain and blood in stool.
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I don’t recall when exactly my stomach pain started but I remember being a freshman in high school and the bell ringing signaling the changing of classes and I could not get up from my desk because I was in so much pain. It hurt mostly in my lower abdomen, sometimes only one side, sometimes both and occasionally rose to the side of my torso or back. The only somewhat relief during these episodes was walking hunched over or sometimes laying on my back completely flat. I saw my doctor and she thought it could be a dairy related issue and had me stay away from it for a while but the pain continued. This happened on and off throughout my life but I noticed it getting worse in my early 30s. I would have sharp, stabbing, debilitating pain quite often. Maybe a few times a week. I finally decided to go back to the doctor and got some testing done. (Its worth saying that my mother has ulcerative colitis and my nephew has Crohns Disease, so stomach issues do run in my family) I went to a not-so-great hospital in my hometown and they did an internal ultrasound and CT scan, though I didn’t have to drink any liquid prior. That turned up no results. My stomach pain continued, getting so bad I ended up in the ER one night in excruciating pain. Shortly after that I started having blood in my stool often as well and one time had a weird, foamy stool. Being extremely concerned, I called my Dr. and was seen. I was diagnosed with hemorrhoids, given suppositories, and sent on my way. During that time my doctor scheduled me for an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. Once again, the tests revealed nothing. They also took blood to test for celiac disease and the like. All normal. I didn’t know what else to do. The blood and pain continued for another month or more so my GI doctor sent me for a capsule endoscopy to completely rule out Crohns, which it did. While there, she told me she took another look at my colonoscopy and said there was a red spot right at the bottom of my rectum that could be the start of colitis, but that it was too early to tell. After all the testing and no results, my PCP told me that a nurse in the building had similar symptoms as me, also tested negative for celiac, but took it upon herself to cut gluten out of her diet and her symptoms all but disappeared. At this point I was willing to try anything, so I started a gluten free diet. Four months passed and I had only had one episode of bad stomach pain, and that could have been from accidentally having gluten, though I’m positive. Even though I missed bread and beer, I was feeling so much better and was so happy the pain was gone. Now, its about four and a half months after I started gluten free eating and the pain has come back. Today is my third day in row with it. The first day I got shooting, stabbing pain after drinking a smoothie. I chalked it up to my stomach just not agreeing with it. But it continued throughout the day anytime I ate or drank something I had awful pain and needed to use the bathroom immediately. Same with the next day. Now, day three, and its not as bad but I have had dull, achy cramps all day and when I ate breakfast I had pain again and the sudden urge to use the bathroom. I am at a loss and don’t know what to do anymore. Are there even anymore tests that can be done? The only thing that comes up with all of my symptoms is Crohns but that was ruled out with the pill cam endo. Has anyone else experienced anything like this and gotten an actual diagnosis?
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pippa58442 nicole94904
nicole94904 pippa58442
IBS wad mentioned but for some reason my doctor didnt think that was what's going on. I had blood as recently ad 3 days ago.
pippa58442 nicole94904
Md_Muttaka nicole94904
Hello. I'm sorry to hear that, hope ypu get well soon. Your symptoms fits the ibs symptoms which include abdominal cramps, urge to use the bathroom after eating, pain after eating, flatulance etc. Do u get any relief after using the toilet? And if u can identify the colour of blood in ur stool, it could help. Bright red indicates lower abdominal bleeding, dark red indicates upper abdominal bleeding. I suggest u see a senior consultant gastroenterologist for thorough exam.