Bad stomah and head all week help
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Okay I know I should probably go to my doctor's with this but seeing as my doctor's closes on a weekend so I need somewhere else between work.
So on Monday and Tuesday I developed some illness - not sure what it was. I had massive stomach cramps that made me feel constantly like I wanted to vomit and a headache that wouldn't go away through tablets. Then on Wednesday thing seemed to have settled down a bit. But on Thursday the headache returned in force on one side of my head and managed to distort my vision.
Now on Friday the headache is still there in the other side of my head and it's sending my tinnitus wild. Again I have the constant feeling if wanting to throw up and I'm off my food.
All week and I'm sick it I just want out. Any help appreciated
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kevin30685 NetroPhil
The feeling of wanting to be sick can be caused by reflux also headaches in one side could be migraines as feeling of wanting to vomit along with migraines
cramps could be a virus in your stomach so when looking at food makes you feel sick don't think it food poisoning as you would be sick along with diahrear I would make sure you take plenty of fluids over the weekend take paracetamol and make an appointment with your gp and get it looked at if it persists
sanya11314 NetroPhil
rich52489 NetroPhil
Here's my theory which this happened to me and progressed for a few months with stranger symptoms.
its your spine simple as that, my problem was I was tilting my head too far back for months watching my 93 inch projector towards the too of the ceiling and I devolped as follows.
first day: vertigo with ear dysfunction
2 weeks: vertigo went away then I had tinnitus
1 month: Chronic gastritis with stiff neck and muscle spasm
2 months: I started eating salads and exercising the thing that helped the most is L. glutamine, like the next day I felt better.
but I still wasn't all the way better until, I started stretching my spine with yoga, I tried ddp yoga which was kinda funny and sad because I was like ya right, now it's been 1 week since I started it and I feel better, so it's either your neck or spine probably between your shoulder blades.
hope this helps
lilian05079 NetroPhil
Hi NetroPhil
If you are getting bad pain in your head and distorted vision you have to get this investigated...go to A & E if you cant see your wishes.....