Bad toothache 3 days before op.

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Started a niggly toothache on Sunday. Now it's sooooo painful. Called my dentist this evening & he's seeing me at lunchtime tomorrow. I hope it's a pain in a nerve as I ate duck last week & I bit down on a piece of bone in the duck. It hurt a bit at the time. But now it's throbbing very badly. It's on a tooth that has quite a large filling done 4 years ago. Luckily my dentist has had a hip replacement himself & is understanding of my worry just before my op on Friday. Am sitting with a clove on my gum to see if that helps with the pain. I am so anxious that this could impact on my surgery. As I know surgeons like u to have an anti biotic if u need any dental work done. Anybody else here have had similar problem?

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm out in sympathy with you. I'm 12 weeks post op and have had to come home from Dublin for a dental appointment tomorrow during to terrible toothache. I rung Hosp where I had op and consultant said that the dentist would know whether or not I need antibiotic cover. I hope we both get sorted. Ive had nearly as much paracetamol for this toothache as for hip op!!!!!!
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      My dentist is such an amazing man & very easy on the eye too mind you.. I'm a very nervous patient & he always puts me at ease. The fact that he's had a hip replacement (which I didn't realise until my last visit) makes him more understanding of my dilemma. I didn't realise you were from Dublin. I live in Virginia Co Cavan. Originally from Meath though
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      I'm from Tyrone well living there from Donegal. I went to Dublin for a wedding and had to come back when I got appt with dentist. I'm hoping it's a simple filling and no need for antibiotics as going back to Dublin for the wedding on Friday. Ibreadvup a bit on the antibiotic thing and there seems to be no consensus of opinion about it. Send that dentist this way please!!!
    • Posted

      If George clooney was a dentist. It's the only thing that stops me running out the door when he reclines the chair. Hmmmm! Handsome & some. 😃 So we're both living in Ulster. How mad is that? Hope all goes well for you with your dentist & enjoy the wedding. I'll be in Dublin having my op on Friday. All going according to plan. 
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      Hope all goes well for you on Friday. The wedding is actually in Drogheda but I'll send you good blessings before I leave Dublin in the morning.

      I'll have no internet for a week or so but I'll look forward to hearing how well you are when I get back.

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      Thank you. Enjoy your day. I just hope they sedate me as soon as I wake up Friday morning yikes..... I have my 2 hour music cd recorded by my daughter to listen to during the op & recorded a 2nd to leave in the hospital as they only have one of Christy Moore & the other is Paul Potts. So mine is a variation between dance, pop, rock & classicical music. 
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    Poor you x I was told that antibiotics weren't necessary any more but don't take my word lol🍷
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      I'm just hoping it's an aggravated nerve as I'm inclined to clench my teeth & I'm a tooth grinder when stressed. My dental surgeon will hopefully be able to fill me in (excuse the pun) whether he thinks I need antibiotic or not. I'm sure they told me Id be given antibiotics when I go in for op. Going in Thursday op on Friday. Yikes !!!!
  • Posted

    I know here you are not allowed dental work done 3 mnths prior to surgery. I broke my tooth. Was going to get it fixed but the admitting nurse said no no no.... if you do it will put your surgery back months.That is Australia please call your hospital before u do anything
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      That's why I'm so scared. Due op Friday morning. But my dentist has had hip op too. And he doesn't want anything to stop op. The way I look at it now is if if I broke my hip tonight & had very bad teeth problems my hip would be fixed & my teeth would be looked after too. My aunt fell & broke her hip 3 years ago with severe lung condition. I'm otherwise healthy apart from 2 wonky hips & a bad toothache. I've already been put back from 11th August. Can't cope with another delay. Will know more tomorrow after I see dentist. It's a bonus that he's a good looking 70 year old.
  • Posted

    Haha we know..... you just want to see the cute dentist. .. WE KNOW hahaha joke.
  • Posted

    Yes you got in in one, tooth grinding in your sleep... I had it as well as I had 2 hip ops so close together I lost a tooth well half of it, and you could also need the flouride toothpaste I had to calm it all down, you can rub it into your teeth as well as brushing with it, spit out the foam, leaving it there, worked for me as is all much better now, hope you feel better soon Ian +++
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    Opinion seems to differ re the need for antibiotic cover and dental work. I think your hippy dentist will know exactly what to do to cover all bases
  • Posted

    What a great conversation !!! really enjoyed reading ... toothache not good - I felt a cavity throbbing right before (2nd hip) surgery and ignored it ... it is still there of course and I need to take care of it - so much dental work needs to be done .. goodness - 

    good luck Gossip - it'll be okay ...

    warm hug



  • Posted

    Just back from my hippy dentist. All is good he thinks. No sign of abscess or damage to the filling. No swelling or redness. He thinks my nervouseness & anxiety has me clenching & grinding my teeth & has aggravated the nerve. I've to wear my night guard day & night for a few days to give the nerve a chance to settle down again. He also says the hip is the boss at the moment so the tooth doesn't warrant any intervention. The hey duty meds in hospital will ease tooth pain & hip pain. Got call from admissions office this morning & I've to check in at 3.45 tomorrow afternoon. Once all the paperwork is done I can leave the hospital for a few hours to relax & have a meal with hubby. Yikes it's all happening sooooo soon

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