Balance Issues

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Does anyone else experience balance issues with their anxiety ? I belong to running club and go out a couple of times a week in the evening, I find that after a day at work I have real problems with my balance placing my feet correctly - this doesn't happen all the time but generally accompanies a strange adrenaline type rush sensation running through the head. My head in general feels very foggy like soup, it must look like I have been drinking too much when my balance goes but this is not the cause !

I also find being sociable in a group tricky with anxiety, if someone talks to me and gives too much information and detail the brain fog and dizziness starts to kick in ! I enjoy going for a run as feel that this releases a lot of tension however would rather not feel like am going to fall over for no apparent reason !

Thank you,

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5 Replies

  • Edited


    yes i was told i had Labyrinthitis but i dont even know if it was that as ive been told i have anxiety it started with dizziness then sickness everyday but was shaking so now i think its been my anxiety that has caused the dizziness

  • Posted

    Yes, I totally get this as well. My balance is ok at home but off when I'm out and anxious. I kind of stagger around like I'm drunk or walking on a boat, I even have to separate my feet to get a sense of balance

  • Posted

    have balance issues as welll notice that i can walk on my treadmill for over an hour without issue but when out walking, i get a sense of being off balance figure i may be experiencing agoraphobia the further i get from my home as i walk

    frustrating as i love to walk and dont want to be afraid to go far

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    I experience this all the time! Whenever I feel anxious it's like I feel like my balance is off. I will constantly shift my weight to balance on a different leg, rock back and forth, or try and find something to lean on if I can to stabilize myself. It is especially uncomfortable when people are trying to be chatty with me. I have a hard staying still when coworkers stop to talk to me and often feel down about showing my strange movements to others and not being able to keep conversation because all i'm focussing on is how to maintain balance. I also walk everywhere and will experience this feeling if I have to stop walking to wait at a crosswalk or something. I also will pull on my hair or put my hand on top of my head to keep grounded feeling. Somehow it feels like it helps my balance

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