balance problems in meno
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Hi all a little help would be good, i have stopped having hot flushes now my balance and co-ordination has got bad and i have fuzzy vision and head also headaches feel like im punch drunk how strange been to doc ok been to check eyes ok going to see if my neck is the problem i have head pressure am i lacking in something whats going on , one thing after another, maybe someone on here had same thing when hot flushes stopped please help my eyes have got very dry to x
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carmen_22574 karen71465
I've had all of your symptoms i still get hot flashes. My eye dr told me to use liquidgel eye solutions for the dry eyes and it worked. Its definitely the perimenopause. Hang in there.
cheryl99622 karen71465
Hello Karen. Sorry to here of your symptoms. They seem to be normal for your menopause. Everybody experiences their own type of symptoms but some have certain symptoms and others don't have the same symptoms so unfortunately everybody is different. I have suffered the same symptoms off and on and it seems that every day it's something new and different. Some days are better than other days. We just have to bite the bullet and just remember this is only temporary it will eventually stop
liz85864 karen71465
Hi Karen
I had a forced hysterectomy last year and am suffering badly from hot flushes.
I also have fuzzy vision, often wake up feeling like absolute death and feel like have the worst hangover ever, even when not been drinking and my head often feels like it's not my head. I can't remember simple things and I am really struggling with getting any enthusiasm for anything.
Plus the lack of sleep is HORRIFIC. Averaging around 3 or 4 hours a night. Not enough when working full time and running a house. Thank God I don't have kids!!!
I can't even be bothered to cry. Not that I want to!
It would be great to know that this may eventually go!
Good luck x
brendababy karen71465
Hi Karen I have the same sensations and symptoms, weird head sensation, feel I'm getting pulled about like a rubber band, swaying feeling and it's like being on a moving stair, AV had this since March last year, sometimes it's a challenge standing up
I've had ct scan lots of other tests ENT thinks it may be vistibular migraine which affects your balance daily. I've always had menstrual migraines but no balance problem, ENT said that hormone imbalance can cause this. I also have a very stiff sore neck, dono if that's caused by migraine or tension as I try to steady myself lol
I've tried different meds but can't tolerate the side effects so need to wait and see if it goes away when the hormones settle. I'm also taking tibolone hrt don't know if that's helping or making things worse
Give me a shout if you need to ask anything
All the best xx
karen71465 brendababy
brendababy karen71465
Hi Karen, I'm still staggering around as well, it's so annoying and debilitating. Some days I can cope better than others but it has caused me to suffer from anxiety and very low mood, my husband took time of work for a while to help me and help look after my mum who sadly passed away in January this year. He's now back at work and I hate when I hear him closing the door in the morning cos I feel so isolated
We used to have a routine walking three times every day even when my balance is bad I always feel the fresh air and being outside helps now I need to get used to being on my own
ENT diagnosed me with vistibular migraine he said that's what causes the dizziness and imbalance but I don't know. I've not had bleeding since May but had a light bleed on and off for the past few days, sometimes only visible when I've been to the toilet, my balance problem has always been worse before and during spotting or bleeding so it's defo related
I have two sisters one a year younger than me she's 51 and the other 58 and they're managing to carry on living normally going to work going out socially etc, I just don't understand it
I have had ME in the past so I'm thinking this is why my symptoms are so severe. I've been on tibolone for 6 months but don't know if it's helping me or making things worse I just don't know what to do for the best
Sorry I can't give you any answers but take comfort that there are others with similar symptoms as you and I and hopefully one morning we'll get up and they'll be gone and I'll be running round the bed celebrating 😂
Give me a shout if you need to talk
All the best Karen xx
kim74983 karen71465
jamie53221 kim74983
I SOOOOOOOO agree! The 'sea legs', off balance, bouncy house is the absolute worse. And it's so freaky when you're out and about, a simple walk in the park or on a beach which normally is pleasurable, is a nightmare. And thus, the anxiety kicks in which adds insult to injury.
It does lighten up but then comes back with a vengeance. This is the hormonal roller coaster. Worse most debilitating symptom ever!!! Thank god I'm not walking a tight rope in the circus😀
maureen12052 karen71465
Hi Karen
I know the feeling my eyes are fuzzy most days! It's
horrible. I started getting migraines about four months
ago never had a migraine in my life!!! The doctor put
me on nortriptyline and it worked!!! My headaches went
away for while and just started again so I'm back on the
medicine! My hot flashes stopped as well!! I had head
pressure to went away when I stared taking the medicine
for my migraines.
brendababy maureen12052
Hi Maureen did you have any side effects from the nortriptyline? I was prescribed them for vistibular migraine which causes dizziness and of balance but I stopped them after about 3 weeks that was last year don't know if I was suffering from side effects of the meds or if it was peri symptoms. It would be good to hear from someone who's been on the meds
How long were you on them?
Thanks xx
maureen12052 brendababy
Hi Brendababy!
I was nortriptyline for about three months and I have
to say it really help me with the migraines. The one side affect that really bothered me was the dry mouth syndrome it was the worst but it wore off after
about three weeks. I also was terribly sleepy when
I first started taking it. I got off of it for a while because my headaches stopped but I'm back on because they started up about a week ago when
my period started.