Balanitis that won't go away...PLEASE HELP! DOCTORS WON'T

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Hey All,

 Yall are my last hope as Doctors have finally given up. I've had this for going on a year (Last April, 2017)...steady. Not once has it gone away. Last year, the girl I was seeing and I got a little frisky and rowdy while clothed. It chaffed the head of my penis, and we weren't able to have sex due to the pain. I let it sit for a few days. It got extremely red and i just figured it was irritated and to give it a few more days...This turned into a month, it got EXTREMELY red, blotchy and swollen and now there was a white smegma.. I went to see a doctor, they referred me to a dermatologist. I've seen the dermo twice. The first time, they said it looked like it was finally going away. I was washing it twice it a day at this point. It never got better...In fact, when i stopped washing it twice and went back to once a got worse again. So, I read to rinse it with peroxide. The first time i used the peroxide, I COULDN'T BELIEVE THE WHITE STUFF THAT WAS PEELING OFF...I started a daily peroxide rinse and that helped tremendously, but still it wasn't going away completely. White stuff would build up within hours of using the peroxide. I went back to the dermo, they proceeded to tell me that it must be normal and my body decided to start producing smegma under the foreskin. I looked at him like he was nuts, and asked him, "So you're telling me I have to wash twice a day with peroxide for the rest of my life?" He had no response...and told me to try powder. Please, if anyone can help me. The minute it starts to rub on anything, it gets extremely itchy and painful. The head of my penis where the foreskin touches, always looks water logged, 24/7 (Ya know, like your fingers get when you've spent all day in the pool). I've tried every over the counter anti fungal, the peroxide, Ketoconazole, Coconut Oil.... I really want to figure out what it is...Is it Thrush? Candida? I'm at my wits end...Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm at the point where i might just schedule a circumcision...I'm not dealing with this for the rest of my life. Thanks to anyone in advance. Any more info, just ask..I'm not shy. This whole situation has been a nightmare...(The dermatologists decided to bring 5 college aged beautiful women into the office to check out my "condition"....this whole experience has been horrible...) Thanks!


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    IS it really red or gray purple looking is it flaking 
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      hmmm...well...the glans (I think? It's right at the bottom of the head...The "the lip of the mushroom" So to speak?) are purple...You're right about that...I didn't know a photo was okay to post...I might just do that....Its Purple and shiny along the ring/base of the helmet. but above that, gets red wherever the skin is touching

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      And i wouldn't say i mean, If I don't clean it for a day or 2..I guess it looks cracked...along with being water logged...but not flaky. 

  • Posted

    hmmm...well...the glans (I think? It's right at the bottom of the head...The "the lip of the mushroom" So to speak?) are purple...You're right about that...I didn't know a photo was okay to post...I might just do that....Its Purple and shiny along the ring/base of the helmet. but above that, gets red wherever the skin is touching

    • Posted

      Yes people post pictures all the time , but you most use a computer to  post pictures . Pictures always help 
  • Posted

    Your smegma is caused by the peroxide. What people don't know is that peroxide doesn't target bacteria- it kills everything it touches so all the dead skin cells are because you are killing cells. As for the wrinkled texture is because your body is being damaged by an infection or your cleaning regiment- that or the fact that it's only supposed to be shiny when erect and this can also mean that your glans are smaller than they once were when flaccid. You should never use coconut oil in a crevice of your body- bacteria feed on it as it is good for skin but also bacteria. If you are cleaning with SOAP you need to stop- this kills the good bacteria that prevent infection. You need to clean with running water while gently rubbing the surface of your foreskin and glans. Get on ciprofloxacin 100mg, it's an antibiotic. This will help kill any bacteria. Stay away from vaginal sex and the vagina is 3x more likely to get hiv stds and infection which could give it to you when your immune system is struggling. Try to abstain from masturbation as well.

    -Friendly neighborhood urologist in training

    Also, do not get circumcised as that wrinkled texture will take over your glans fully and will not be shiny anymore. Not only that but your glans start to callus as well as yyour inner foreskin which can reduce sexual stimulus and result in erectile dysfunction later in life

    Feel free to message me!

    • Posted

      MAN!!! This is more information than I've received from the 3 doctors. Thanks! So I stopped using the peroxide this morning. It's not red or anything today, but it's very moist under the foreskin...I've been going to the bathroom and drying it off. I'm not sure how I am supposed to get a Rx when doctors are telling to kick rocks and to just "deal with it". I'm going to try and make another appointment and request a different doctor. I'm not using soap...So we'll see. If there are any other suggestions, please let me know. This is so frustrating...Thanks again! 

  • Posted

    I cannot believe that your doctor's did not know any of that... you'll continue to have smegma for a couple days because of the peroxide goes under the first layer of skin as well so expect that.keep drying it, bacteria like to live in warm moist areas . If you have trouble getting a medication just tell them you had a urinary tract infection(uti), this has gone away but now you occasionally feel pain in your eppididymis ( top part of the testicle that holds mature sperm) and say you believe that it spread.

    I was circumcised at a young age and have complications from it. I'm sterile, get urinary tract infections on a monthly basis, my penis would tear enough to need stitches when I had an erection etc etc.

    The utis kept spreading tocmy testicles and it caused pain in my eppididymis and eventually killed one of my testicles- I say this because it is pretty common and Drs are bound to jump on the infection bandwagon if it comes to spreading infections.

    They may want to look at your testicles though smile

  • Posted

    Hi Matt just wondering if u ever got sorted? I have exact same issues and am dying for some help! 
  • Posted

    This message is for anyone who has been searching for answers for this, because it is terrible and from what Ive read every case is different. I went through the guantlet, every specialist you can think of. Biopsy and all. no one could give me an answer. I finally found out what it was for me and while this might not apply to you, maybe it does and Im hoping it gives someone an answer. Come to find out my condition was triggered by a pelvic floor condition, Apparently extreme anxiety made all the muscles in my pelvic floor constrict which led to balanitis and painful urination. I was tested for everything and had no infection of any kind, bacterial or fungal. I started physical therapy and anti-anxiety medications with anti-inflammatories and my condition is much more managable than it was... which explains why stressing about it was making it worse. I read these threads for months and Im sure more people like me will. I hope this helps someone. Best of luck.

    • Posted

      Hey man. I am having symptoms close to yours. Could you give me more detailed info about it? Would highly appreciate it.

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