Balanitis wont go away

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Hello, I'm 16 years old in circumcised and not sexually active and haven't been. I am struggling with what I think is balanitis. It's been 9 months since the last time I seen a doctor and I still don't fully understand what it is I'm dealing with and how to get rid of it. My penis glans is sore, not to touch but if rubbed quite painful. It is quite dry and almost feels sticky. I get a burning sensation sometimes when I pee and a weird pain when ejaculating. I have tried too many creams and all of them together have just out the soreness down a bit but not fully. I need this gone asap. I'm using the hair dyer technique at the moment, I've seen things about baking powder does it work? Also to add the inside of my penis gets a horrible pain when I squeeze my glans or run it a lot, if I spread it to look at the hole it is bright and awfully painful to touch, is this normal? Please help and get back

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    A few typos I'm uncircumcised and it's not 9 months since I last seen at doctor. It's nine months since I first went and are still going now .

  • Posted

    None of this sounds normal, but I'd stick with what the doctor or urologist recommends.  I'd definitely stay away from hairdryers and baking powder unless a medic has said they're safe to try.

    Has your doctor told you you have balanitis btw?

    • Posted

      One doctor says I have, and gave me creams for balanitis but they haven't fully worked. However I went to go see a male doctor and he talked about how the penis is dark and isolated from air. So he told me to try and get it in contact with air and also gave me another cream. I think that it is actually working. One thing I picked up myself is masturbation. Straight after masturbation squeezing my penis lead to uncomfortable pain inside me penis glans, I think it's called the urethra? Then hours later this pin wasn't there no more when squeezing. So something must be wrong there and I think it has to become red to the burning when I pee.

    • Posted

      The urethra is the tube inside your penis through which urine and semen travel.  Why would you squeeze your penis straight after masturbation though?  I'm not sure how you're doing it or why, but it might well hurt more if you havean erection or if you've just ejaculated.

      I don't understand your last sentence.  It shouldn't really hurt when you pee, though it might be difficult (sometimes very difficult) if you have an erection.

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      I did by accident once and I noticed it that when squeezing it was really painful and yes the urethra is where it is hurting. If I spread my penis whole and touch the inside should that sting?

      And what I meant was the burning when I pee must be related to the pain in the urethra when I squeez or out height pressure on it.

      To add ejacultuon doesn't feel great, more uncomfortable and feels like more needs to come and some is stuck. Then when I sit around normally I get a weird feeling in the end of my penis which is really uncomfortable. So I've decided to stop masturabtion which is really hard but I am.

  • Posted

    Hello :-)

    Could the burning sensation and dryness possibly be connected to sensitive skin and some reaction towards the soap that you use when washing your private parts or taking a shower? If so, you could try to use water only for a while and see if the symptoms eases.

    • Posted

      I've used water only for probably 6 months? I think it should have cleared up by now. When I apply these creams some times my penis tearns even more red. It's really stressing me out

    • Posted

      Hey did you ever get this solved I too am having this issue. I was diaginosed with balanitis 7 months ago and give some cream to treat it. The cream helps but when I stop using it all the symptoms come back. did you ever find anything that worked and if you did what was it thanks!

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