Balloon expulsion test ,defecography ,still disease not found ???

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Balloon expulsion test ,defecography tomorrow , anyone needs info on how the test goes ,i ll let u Know in 2- 3 days , doctors r running different test ,tryn to find the disease since 2 years still not able to do so till now , my symptoms mimic fissure but they didn't find one on rectal examination , so they r running these tests now , extremely nervous bout tomorrow ,no options left ,have to go for these tests 😭😭😭, for a 21 year old it's too much to take ,was 19 when it started , it's goin worse with tym , i pray for all who suffer from rectal diseased ,coz it's the pain not visible to anyone else except the patient

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    get it done...tests will help you.

    stay strong.

    • Posted

      thanks for ur support , really appreciate it

  • Posted

    I don't know of the test you are speaking up, I hope it gives you answers. I strongly recommend a colonoscopy, that is how I found out I have rectal cancer. Hope your tests come out better. Good luck and keep strong.

    • Posted

      i already had colonoscopy and they found nothing so now they are running these tests ,btw really appreciate your support and help ❤ī¸â¤ī¸

  • Posted

    they are probably looking for anismus (dyssinergia) - an impairment of the anorectal muscles. could be caused by an anal fissure.

    • Posted

      ok , what are the treatment options for anismus , is surgery required in this ?? , it's been really 2 hard years battling this s**t ,if u know bout treatment , please lemme know ,it will be a massive help

    • Posted

      Were you diagnosed with this? There are no good treatments available. If you live in the US, UK or some other developed country you could seek for biofeedback training center, that does biofeedback for functional constipation issues. Surgeries exist, but are not effective. There are also some experimental laxatives in development, we will see how this works out.

    • Posted

      well that sounds so disappointing ☚ī¸â˜šī¸đŸ˜­đŸ˜­,i can't live with this ,thanks for info though

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