Banana tea...for sleep??????????? Not Effective
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Hi ladies did the banana tea last night.. the tea made me a bit drowsy about a half hour after consumption..However, did not keep me asleep..woke up with pounding heart @ 4;30 am....hopped into hte shower
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becky53379 cathy55794
cathy55794 becky53379
becky53379 cathy55794
valarie24431 cathy55794
cathy55794 valarie24431
Thanks Valarie for your reply......what an awful thing we are having to go through. I guess I get so much more discouraged when I talked to other women about what's happening to me..they look at me as if i was talking a differnt language. Was at the produce market the other day telling the cashier about the palpitations and fatigue, she is 49..her reply" was that she experinced hot flashes for 1 month and had no problems afterwards.....are these people in denial of what happen to them..or perhaps...they juast are the fortunate ones??????????God Bless