Banded 2 weeks ago, not hungry but want to eat! Help.

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So I was banded 2 weeks ago, started bruised and feeling full, feeling excited so following the pureed diet as expected. Now 2 weeks in and bruising nearly all gone, eating a bit more pureed food but being good, stomach feeling full even though the band is empty. BUT I am desperately craving food in my mouth...want to eat constantly. Don't know if I'm missing the crunch and chew or just craving food.

Anyone else had the same experience? Any wise words of wisdom? ????

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I had my band in November it has been a really sloe process for losing weight I was 15 now 13 St 4 so it took me near ly 6 months to lose that weight mu band is only 10 mll and im at 7.25 everytime u have a fill its ike u go back to soft foods then u have to build your self up to solids again. How many mil is your band normally they Gill it with 4 mill but hoe big is your band I reckon u can start normal food now try granola for breakfast but with hot milk to soften it down stir clear of bread for a bit yet and steak
    • Posted

      Thanks....I knew it was going to be slow....supposed to be better for excess skin.....been advised to eat 4 weeks pureed then 2 weeks mashed before solids at 6 weeks. Haven't asked how big the band assume 10ml is average. ...will find out at first fill. Think I've just got to keep drinking and hope food craving passes.
  • Posted

    I really understand this: the longing to eat something solid! I think its just part of the journey.... I was advised to be on liquids.....pureed......soft...for the first 8 weeks, but I succombed before that. Don't really have any words of wisdom.........
  • Posted

    Before my op I was told 2 weeks liquid, 2 weeks puree, 2 weeks mashed. However, when I had mine done (8 days ago) both the surgeon amd my nurse both said it needed to be a week minimum for the liquid diet as you need to wait for the internal stiches to heal but after that just to be guided buy how you feel, gradually adding in soft foods and see how you cope with them. I've tried yoghurts (never was a fan but they are so much nicer now, love the Muller Lite Greek style ones) and that was fine so next I'm going to try one of those little pots of Ambrosia creamed rice (Lite version). If that's no problem then I'll start adding in porridge and move on to soft cereal, mash potato etc. I'm starting to suspect that the excessively long post op diet is more a tool for getting used to eating much smaller portions than actually necessary for a medical reason. A lot will depend on how committed you are. If you think you will be one of those who will fall back quickly into bad habits then it might be useful to stick with the recommended diet as it might be helpful to retrain your body into accepting small amounts of food. After all, if you stick with it, one Roast potato and a few ounces of lean chicken is going to seem like a feast once you're done!
    • Posted

      Yes was doing well with portions until about a week ago and then think the puree was getting to me. With first fill on Thurs think that will set me back on track. Plus I started my mashed food so a bit of texture this week. Thanks.


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