Barely get 1 week out of the month with no PMS or PMDD symptoms.
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I need help! I get great anxiety/depression about a week before, during and a couple of days after my cycle. The, a couple days before ovulation, during and a couple of days after. This only got real bad about 6 months ago. I barely have any comfort at all during the whole month. Is there anybody out there like this?
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Bri77 vanessa45115
Same. Literally only about 1 week of the month is symptom free. You're not alone. It sucks. I get dizzy. The flushed hot face, chest and neck. Anxiety spikes. Irritable. Constipation. Tired. Headaches. Then of course a day or 2 of eating everything. Then a day or 2 of extreme hate and discontent with everything living.
vanessa45115 Bri77
Although it's comforting to know I'm not alone, I'm sorry you go through this as well. Who can live a fulfilling life when you only get a week out of every month that you feel good?
zazz82 vanessa45115
I'm the same. It's hell for me. I get one week out of the month that I feel somewhat normal. The symptoms also rotate for me from every month to every 2 months. Sometimes I'm good before my period, then crappy during and afterwards. Sometimes I'm bad before then good during then bad again afterwards. I never know what to expect. The only thing I can guarantee myself is the day that my period starts. My symptoms are a lot. Hot flashes, puffy hands, insomnia, body aching and burning, breasts feel like bruises, irritability from hell, anxiety and panic attacks, palpitations, thumping heartbeat, racing heartbeat, fatigue..... the closer I get to my period I get a slight bit of acne, cravings of course. Since the end of last year my periods are waaaay more clotty when they never were before. I'm 34 and have had 3 kids and after the 3rd I had a tubal ligation. Before my 3rd child I never had pre or post menstrual anything except for some slight breast tenderness, I never had cramps before that too, though I do now. My life pretty much sucks. I hope you can get some help and find out something.
vanessa45115 zazz82
Aww...being a woman is torture sometimes. I'm like you, from one month to the next I have no idea when it's going to show its ugly head, whether it's before, during or after varies but I can guarantee that it will come at some point. This started for me 6 months ago, I'm 44. Initially, I thought menopause but that was ruled out. I've read a lot of material on magnesium deficiency and I've decided to start taking it. I'll let you know how that goes.
Bri77 vanessa45115
It's crazy how different each month is. It's the gift that keeps on giving (in my most sarcastic voice possible) has anyone had good experience with midol or any of those types of meds??
vanessa45115 Bri77
I'm on an anti depressant and that's not even working😒
Bri77 vanessa45115
My girlfriend has the extreme emotional part of it. She gets the norm too, cramps, bloating, insomnia and so on. But her emotional state, the level that it gets to is unreal. The dr put her on Zoloft, she takes it 2 weeks prior to period and stops it a day or so in to the period. It has made a difference, thank goodness. Some months are still not great but it's definitely not as bad.
vanessa45115 Bri77
That's actually what I am on, increased my dose from 100 to 150 in July because it was so bad.