Barium x ray Q?
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My GP says because had endoscopy 2.5 years ago have to wait 2.5 more as only do it every 5 years
Got nausea and stomach pains for long time plus weight loss. Dr sending me for barium x ray. Is this the cheap option? Would it show stomach cancer? What use is it if can't take biopsies like endoscopy can
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jo19531 dan48682
dan48682 jo19531
Barretts dan48682
I don't know whether you have Barrett's but the guidelines say if you have 3cm or more then scoping should be 2 - 3 years. If less than 3cm then scoping every 3 - 5 years.
Scoping will look at damage done by reflux and acid/
Barium swallow and x-ray will look specifically at how your swallowing works. It doesn't look for cancer nor take cell samples but it will show if you reflux.
dan48682 Barretts
Dr said consultant would refuse to do twice within 5 yrs as last one only showed fatty liver
If doesn't show stomach cancer I'm wondering what the point is
Barretts dan48682