Barrett's Oesophagus

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Good afternoon ,

            Hope all is well . My father was just diagnosed yesterday with Barret's Oesophagus. I am very scared as I don't want this to turn into cancer . He eats unhealthy , smokes and drinks . We know that all has to change and his doctor said in a year he wants to check up on him. I am nervous because I am reading all kinds of stories and trying to do my research. If anyone has advise that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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    last year they said I had pre cancer cells.  Today  found out that I have Barretts high grade dysplasia.  I do smoke also and he's getting me an appointment with a specialist and thinks he'll burn off the cells.

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    I was diagnosed with Barrett's with high grade dysplasia.  It is very scary.  I was close to having cancer but was fortunate to find an excellent GI doctor who specializes in Barrett's at a nearby teaching hospital.  I had a mucosal resection and since I have silent reflux, I was referred to a surgeon at the same hospital who performed a Nissen fundoplication and hernia repair.  That was done two weeks ago.  I don't think the treatment would have been as aggressive without the high grade dysplasia.  

    From what I've read there is a small likelihood of Barrett's turning into cancer if there is no dysplasia.  Even with my situation my prognosis from two GI doctors is "fantastic" and "excellent".  I've had three endoscopies and surgery since June so if your father isn't going to be checked for a year, it doesn't seem to be urgent.  Have the put him on medication for reflux?  


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      Thank you so much for your response . No they did not put him on medication for the relfux but he is going to quit smoking hopefully and live a healthier lifstyle . Should he get on medication for relfux. I am not comfortable with him waiting a year as you know how quick things may change . 
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      mine is sending me to a hospital also.  He thinks they'll do a radio frequency ablation.  Why did they do the surgery


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      mine changed in 1 yr.  I also do smoke.  Going to a specialist to have them remove cells as mine is high grade.


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      Thank you for your response . They did not suggest surgery. He just has Barrett's for now but my whole this is why not do the surgery before it gets worse. Obviously he has to change his lifestyle but he can get the surgery and then work on himself. 

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      Hi Vanessa, I read your 1st post and it could have been written by me! my dad has just been diagnosed with Barrett’s too, biopsies have been taken but we won’t hear anything over Xmas. So we don’t know how serious it is at all. I hope you’re ok, I know how you’re feeling x
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    If it were me, I'd check with his GI doctor and then get a second opinion.  The GI doctor who found my problem was honest enough to say my treatment was beyond his area of expertise.  Some doctors aren't as willing to refer to a specialist.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much . Sorry for the mistake. My dad is on Omeprazole. He has been on it for a while and then the other day he was diagnosed with Barrett's . He is going to his regular doctor for blood work to check his Iron levels because they also thing he is anemic. He went to a GI who did the endoscopy. He told him to quit smoking but I suggested to my dad its lifestyle change which is going to be hard for my dad . My whole thing is why not just have the surgery done regardless . I feel like it would be preventing the inevitable . So just do the surgery that you had before it gets to that point or will doctors not do it until it gets there ? I have already discussed with my mom and sister that we all have to be on the same team to living a healthier lifestyle to help him. I ordered a work out machine that he said he can do . I am just so stressed thinking about it . Any tips will be greatly appreciated and you have been such a help so far. 

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      Smoking is going to be the tough one for him. I wouldn't hit him with a bunch of other stuff yet. How old is he? And the worse thing you can do is nag him about smoking. Does your mom smoke?

      Sometimes if scared enough he might quit. But if not he'll have to try another way. How many years has he smoked? Does he carry them in a shirt pocket? Things to consider.

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      Thank you for your response , My dad is 55 . He has been smoking since he was 14. He quit on and off for years but now he has been smoking consistently for a long time. He also drinks and eat very unhealthy. So he has three things working against him. He also has a very bad cough because of it. 
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    It's going to be hard to quit for him, and it's hard to tell an older guy how he should get healthier. I asked if he carried cigs in his pocket, because there is more to smoking than the nicotine. If he does, maybe he could keep toothpicks there, when he goes to reach, etc, or you all could think of something better. If he drinks & isn't an alcoholic, maybe keeping bottled water in fridge for him to grab? IDK, this does help w/giving up a soda pop habit, some of it gets down to having it in your hand. Much luck to him.

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    Take a deep breath.  I know you're worried but I doubt a GI doctor would perform an ablation at this point and the insurance company may not pay for it.   If there is no dysplasia, then monitoring him is what doctors will recommend.  

    No matter how much you want him to make changes to improve his health, it is up to him.  From my experience, the more nagging, the less chance of change.  He has to decide it's important and want to do it.  The least costly and most effective way to exercise is to take a walk every day.  Brisk walking for 30 minutes a day is what is recommended.  


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