basal cell carcinoma on face

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I had a small smooth skin coloured lump on the side of my nose near my eye for over 10 years and quite honestlt, I had learned to live with it. It gradually grew in size and although it annoyed me from time to time, I didnt do anything about it until my husbands 96 year old grandmother had the same thing removed from her head.I suddenly realised that I should get mine looked at too.Long story short, I was diagnosed and had it removed witin a month. I was left with a 4 inch scar along my nose and eye even though the lump was only the size of a small lentil. Please, if you have any odd lumps on your face, get them checked out asap as mine was on the verge of invading my eye socket. Fortunately, 2 years on the scar is almost invisable[thanks to an excellent national health surgeon] I am a typical pale skinned Scot with freckles and blue eyes.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    yes like you iv had small lump on side of eye,wot thet call crows foot.iv had it aprox 30 yrs.had it removed but came back got to have it done again has small bump left in corner got surgery 25/06/13...fingers crossed.
  • Posted

    I have been to the doctors after noticing a spot/lump on my face above my mouth, the doctor confirmed it looked like a bcc and as such has made an appointment for me to the skin clinic at my local hospital. What I am concerned of is that the appointment is not until 2 months time?. If it were anywhere else I wouldn't be as concerned. Is this a normal wait time ?
  • Posted

    Hi it's me again updating you, the spot was definitely diagnosed as a BCC, its quite small and I have been put on the waiting list for Mohs surgery.The doc says its harmless and i've caught it really quickly. However I am really disgusted with the length of time this is taking to be resolved. Why does it take so long? At this rate it will be a full year before its sorted.

  • Posted

    Hi Dorothy. I got concerned about a blemish on my chin and a bit of redness. Feeling a fraud - because the blemish has been there for years - I went to the GP who tried me on some cream in case it was rosacea. Over 6 weeks this made no difference, so while he thought it was nothing, mainly to reassure me, he referred me to Dermatology. Saw a consultant 2/3 weeks later and was shocked when he recommended a biopsy! Had to wait around 3 weeks for that and now have to wait another month for the results. I told the consultant I would worry till I got the results and he said there was no need to worry. Which is OK for him to say. I'm sat here with a hole in my chin and stitches and if they have to surgically remove the whole thing along with the reddened area, I might end up needing a new chin! He did mention that sometimes creams could be used however. There has been no discussion about what it might be - I think he is too professional to speculate. But it is obvious he thinks it is something that needs attention.

    By the way, even as an NHS patient I was given the option of attending a private hospital which is what I am doing. I suspect I would have had to wait longer if it had been standard NHS. As ever though, we want these things attended to the day after tomorrow.

    • Posted

      Hey Chris, how did u get on with the lump on ur chin? I had a white pearly lump on mine for nearly 2 years I kept going to doc about it he kept saying it was a cyst! Anyways I was insistent & finally got sent for a biopsy & it was a basil stem cell carcinoma which I just got cut out left with 37 stitches in my chin at minute & waiting on results yo make sure they got it all! Was curious to see how u faired out ?

  • Posted

    hi.chris 2 my name is Raymond iv had a bcc removed my profile is above, mine was near my eye had it for about 30 yrs didn't affect me so I left it till family kept mensioning it I had it removed last year by surgeon at my local hospital I never waited long all done whithin 5months there abouts I was worried sick waiting for results of biopsy but lucky it said fully removed. only had 6 stitches scar unnoticeable now. I wouldn't worry too much so much they do these days..god bless.
  • Posted

    Hi both,

    Chris I hope turns out all ok for you I have heard of some creams being used but don't think they are for BCC's,

    What bothers me is they tell you to be aware of changes in your skin and go to your GP as soon as possible, which is what I did. That was in July last year, I did look at private and it maybe the way to go in the future as I have already paid private for an operation to get a varicose vein removed 2 years ago, as the NHS wouldn't fund it and it wasn't just for cosmetic reasons. I'm not so worried at the minute as the consultant has assured me its harmless and the doctors and nurses are so nice, I just wish you didn't have to wait so long to get treatment, of course now I am paranoid about every little spot I get on my face. Hopefully I will get an appointment soon, they did say it would be March so not long to go, I may just give them another call.

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