Been a long road-liver worry?

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Long story short I am a 29 year old male, usually only weekend drinker, for sure not daily.

I had COVID bad back in January and was hospitalized for 2 nights. Full recovery but since then constantly worry about my health and have health anxiety. I have seriously cut back on drinking since having COVID, and plan to going forward.

I did drink too much the other night and began worrying about liver disease because I have two small spider veins on my nose (I also have roseca which I know can cause those). Also when I had COVID a blood test PT/INR however showed my clotting was a bit slow but doctors since then have never said anything and when I hospitalized they said the COVID likely caused that (although of course that can be sign of liver problems according to the internet). Since 2017 and throughout my hospitalization my liver functions have been checked about a total of 10 times and never been outside the normal range, I also had 2 chest ct scans in last month which get as low as the liver and no abnormalities in my upper abdomen were ever identified.

I messaged my primary doctor and she replied that "I do not think you have any kind of liver damage, and your ALT/AST results along with your liver imaging recently does not suggest cirrhosis, try to stay off Google."

However, I still cannot shake this! My questions to you all is would she miss something like this? If my primary was concerned wouldn't she send me for more tests? What do you all think am I being ridiculous?

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3 Replies

  • Posted

    Had a rough weekend and went to ER yesterday, doctor said all my LFT's earlier this year normal didn't even want to repeat. Reason I went digestive system been off. Feeling bloated bit of constipation, cramps, gas. He saw me for five minutes essentially told me not to worry about my liver at all.

    I do not know who or what to believe. Struggling a lot. Any help?

  • Posted

    I'm a 33 year old male. no medical history of anything. 4 weeks ago I went to the e.r. twice in one week with dizziness, chest pressure, rapid heart rate. All tests came back normal and or negative. symptoms of constant chest pressure, fatigue, loss of appetite, and frequently feeling like crying have remained 24/7. was diagnosed with anxiety, and I too worry they have missed something. and google has also convinced me I have liver/gallbladder issues amongst everything else. I cant seem to get any doc to help furthur except wanting to prescribe anxiety meds. idk what else to do. not much help, but a similar situation.

  • Posted

    I feel your pain Ben. It is so tough. I went to my doctor on Tuesday she even went as far as to say there is absolutely nothing wrong with my liver. It worked for a while but then I got home yesterday and noticed sock marks on my legs and started thinking I had edema and swelling in my legs. It is like it starts the whole cycle over again.

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