Been awhile....
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Hi Ladies,
It’s been several months since I’ve been on the board.
Had some tradgedy happen in my life, and it’s been a little tough but pulling through it. My boyfriend ended his life in June, a shock to so many of us.
Anyways- symptom wise I’ve been doing pretty well, even through all of that.
UNTIL today :-(
I was walking into Walmart and BAM out of nowhere- dizzy and wobbly.
Bad enough I walked back to my car and went home, laid down and took a nap for about an hour and a half.
Got up and felt a little better but still “off balance”.
We’re in the middle of renovations on our home from hurricane Irma, and staying at my moms house.
My son and I just drove up to our house to check on some things, and I’m still wobbly but then also now have a weird “headache”? Not painful, more like pressure, and now and then a random “clicking” behind my right ear/back-right of my head.
Anyone ever had these symptoms?
I’m thinking a migraine coming on maybe? The pressure is on the right side and almost at times feels like a “pulling” feeling to my sinus cavity or something. Idk it’s just strange as heck.
And we all know this health anxiety will make us absolutely BONKERS if we don’t talk to each other.
Oh- and today is day three of my period in FULL SWING.
Any support and comparing is greatly appreciated.
2 likes, 15 replies
Nancy2121 Str8tfans
Sorry for your loss and all, on top of all this peri crap! Had that yesterday, that pulling. But it was on my left cheek. Scared me. My ears are constantly plugged. Feels like being on an airplane. You are not alone! Haven't had a period in 10 months. I don't have what you could call good days at all. I muddle through this for my son and hubby, whom I feel very guilty for not taking care of the way I used to or feel I should. I can't even drive most days cuz of the dizziness. Just wanted to let you know that we're here for you. It does help to talk about it. Hang in there! Hugs to you!
Str8tfans Nancy2121
Thanks so much Nancy! It does help, not that I am happy ANYone goes through this, but it helps to know we’re not alone in the fight.
My biggest issue when these things hit is Health anxiety, it goes off the chain and I become almost convinced I’m having a heart attack or something g. I know so ma u women on here feel that fear so it’s good to talk to each other!
And btw- try to not feel guilty, none of it is your fault 💕
Nancy2121 Str8tfans
Thank you!?😘
And you're welcome. This is a wild ride for sure! My health anxiety has been through the roof for years. Didn't even realize it. Been sure I'm dying for years now! Happy to help in any way I can for ALL of us women here. ?
juanita93228 Str8tfans
I am so sorry for your loss.
You are not alone. I have had some of the symptoms you've mentioned. But by far the depression and health anxiety have been the worse for me.
Just come on here and talk to us, We are here for you. Praying for you. ((((hugs)))
juanita93228 Nancy2121
Mine too! The health anxiety is ridiculous! And here's the kicker. Health anxiety causes stress which is so bad for you. Then I stress about being stressed, positive that the stress is killing me! I just want to feel normal again. Monday and Tuesday were okay days, but today not so much. I just try to take one day at a time, and deal with just that day. (((HUGS))))
Nancy2121 juanita93228
EXACTLY! It's a vicious cycle for sure! Sorry today has been a rough one. Wanting to feel normal again is so stressful. Hugs back, and thank you so much for reassuring me that I am not the only one!
Gypsy014 Str8tfans
Hi str8tfans, so glad your back and pulling through your tradgedy, so sorry for your loss... Well I can say yes to what you have experienced today going into Wal-Mart in fact it was Wal-Mart and I can no longer go in there none of them because of the fluorescent lighting and I'm sorry to say it does get worse, at least for me, and ive never felt anything like it before it literally feels like intense pressure like a magnet going right through my brain /top of head and my eyes , so weird and I immediately get dizzy wobbly and have to get out of there right away, it happens to a few more stores but Wal-Mart is by far the worst.. I would come home after and get the zig zag wavy vision followed by an awful painful migraine, so keep a close watch for the migraines to happen, I'm guessing its all Peri related as this is REDICULOUS ive been shopping at Wal-Mart since they opened years ago, however the lighting is stronger and most Wal-Mart's are newer stores, even my new tv sets off my migraines, but keep an eye on it I'm curious if this symptom keeps up for you, please let me know.. Also you can Google the fluorescent lighting and Wal-Mart and anxiety and lots of stories of peoples experiences come up, but they all say the lighting sets off their anxiety, I think different and think the lighting sets off their migraine attacks, and then the anxiety sets in.. Welcome back keep me posted 💗and p.s wear sunglasses it helps..
maria76995 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy, long time I have spoken to is MENO..I was not on here for a while..although I'm through the menopause I'm still being hot I notice a lot of the symptoms have died down but that hot heat wakes up with me,the dry mouth also got better but must not talk to hard as it have away out of no way of coming back to bite Lol...let me know your doing girl.
Gypsy014 maria76995
Hi Maria, yes indeed these symptoms can and do come back to bite ya lol... I'm ok plugging along with all my meno symptoms... And just like you yes sometimes symptoms calm down then of course come right back, I'm so waiting for the day they don't return! I'm still struggling with the dry mouth and eyes myself! That is great news yay .. That your feeling ok now.. That sure gives me hope.. You know what they say meno doesn't last for ever, even though it sure don't feel that way now.. Great to hear from you Maria😛
2chr2015 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 2chr2015
Yes yes I wear the sunglasses too, it keeps the migraines and severe dizziness and nausea down to a minimum, if I don't I honestly think I would start having seizures too its that bad!!! Now I've never ever had a seizure but I'm so scared I'm leaning towards getting one with whatever these feelings are in my brain and head as soon and I mean within a second of being exposed to these lights... So so scary.. Do you have seizures? And if so did they develop or become worse with perimenopause and fluorescent lighting?
2chr2015 Gypsy014
lori93950 Str8tfans
2chr2015 Str8tfans