Been off HRT for 7 weeks now and palpitations unbearable
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Hi I have posted recently about coming off HRT due to a DVT in December, not going too bad apart from the palpitations are back with a vengence. Had a load of heart related tests last year as convinced something wrong, but all came back normal. Now though, they are back, but I am also getting the feeling of my heart beating in my ears and having dreadful headaches, which I believe a probably stress related. Before I go to GP about ear problems has anyone else had pulsing in ears during menopause. I am 57 so should probably be well through it by now but still having flushes at night. Thanks.
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julie7525 youngatheart1
Hi there, sorry to hear of your bad luck. What hrt were you on? Im 48 and recently menopausal, suffering with palps as well as anxiety disorder stemming from the palps! I found the 50mg evorel conti patch gave me headaches and more palps so i cut them in half whilst i get used to them. Also the antidepressant sertraline was giving me more palps wen i increased to 100mg so ive come down a bit. Also on propranalol 3x40 mg which i seem to have adjusted well to and prevents full on panic attacks with adrenalin dump. I didnt have any of this before menopause...its hit me with a sledgehammer! I had the palps for last 2 yrs leading up to and still after the meno but increasingly worse the last year since no periods. Trying vit D, magnesium, B complex & omega 3. I only get the pounding heart in my ears if i sleep on my side so i always sleep on my back propped up as more likely to get palps when flat. Ive had 2 normal ecgs but last one had a slight anomoly with atria but doc cudnt explain it!!!! Giving me more anxiety!!! But got another booked for 21st to see if sertraline is affecting heart rhythm. Who knew itd be so bad?!
youngatheart1 julie7525
beth86610 julie7525
Wow you are only 48 and have all these problems and meds. Along with the doctors recommendations and treatment: Do you exercise? How are your eating habits? Cognitive therapy? no you are not crazy but the symtoms are making you highly distressed making symptoms worse. You have to take a whole body mind approach along with the doctor. Eat salmon several times a week don't take pills. Salmon is better than pills. Flax seed oil. There are things you can do which the doctor would not oppose. It will be a good base to whatever th doctor recommends. Great sympathy to you. I don't doubt there is a genetic connection with meno symptoms.
beth86610 youngatheart1
julie7525 beth86610
Yes beth its called the menopause! Are you a medical professional? A lot of women suffer badly through it. I dont drink or smoke or have caffeine, i was walking ten miles a week before christmas! Im 5' and 7.5 stone and eat healthily. I tried many herbal supplements before going down the pill route, which may i say, takes time to work and along with cbt is actually helping. And no Im not crazy lol. But then i never thought I was lol. Just having a bad menopause! I think when people post on here they hope to hear from other people who are experiencing similar symptoms, theyre not necessarily wanting a list of lifestyle questions or advice. A woman whos having an easy menopause is not necessarily any healthier than a woman whos having a hard one...just luckier.
julie7525 youngatheart1
Thanks youngatheart! Sounds like my doctor, shrugging n saying 'possibly' when i asked if she thought the palps were just meno related! Personally, i think its too much of a coincidence that my periods went from regular to nothing 14 mths ago and the palps and anxiety, hot flushes began in the months leading up to the meno, about 2 yrs in total, this last year being the worst. All of these things are very common meno symptoms. Palps are more than likely due to to hormonal changes. Ive stayed on the betablockers because i dont get full on panic attacks with adrenalin dump now im on them. Hoping it passes quickly for us all x
youngatheart1 julie7525
karen77710 youngatheart1
Hi I'm 50 and going through menapause. I help pulsing in my ears everyday lasting about 5-10 minutes. Hope that helps x
youngatheart1 karen77710
gailannie youngatheart1
I'm so sorry to ask, but what do you mean by DVT?
Apparently your body is going through some withdrawl. I also had palps when I was in perimeno just because my levels were declining.
Other than the palpatations, are you feeling good?
youngatheart1 gailannie
gailannie youngatheart1
That comment "Not so foggy brained" is so interesting. I've had a similar reaction to estrogen. But all the experts say that estrogen helps with brain fog in menopause. So what up with us girls?? Why would we both fell "foggy" on estrogen? Interesting isn't it.
youngatheart1 gailannie
gailannie youngatheart1
Curious, did you also take progesterone also? I seem to feel better when I have progesterone WITH THE ESTROGEN.
youngatheart1 gailannie