Been on 100mg of Sertraline for about a week, The other doses havent seemed to help that much.
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Has Anyone else experience similar things?
My side effects is poor appetite, and in the morning i find it hard to get out of bed due to being afraid of the anxiety and some obsessive thoughts, also have social anxiety.
I wanted to know if anyone else found that all the lower doses of Zoloft didn't do much at all but then all of a sudden the right dose made wonders.
i still experience a lot of anxiety and have to take 0.5 clonanzapam three time a day just to feel somewhat normal.
Again i am on day 8 of 100mg.
I need some peace of mind.
elevator boy
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UK-Rose elevatorboy
elevatorboy UK-Rose
craig64791 elevatorboy
You said you were on 50 for a month then 75 for a month? When did you start to feel something good?
Would it be fair to say that i have not givin my body enough time at each dose for it to settle and feel any of the benefits?
craig64791 elevatorboy
Im just worried cause i haven't felt any kind of relief from the other that normal to happen?
seth05325 elevatorboy
elevatorboy seth05325
Thanks for your support and i hope you will be doing better..glad i am on here.
seth05325 elevatorboy
craig64791 elevatorboy
I have found I have been reading more. Books that promote positive thinking and I’ve avoided gloom and doom tv & film etc. This has given me a sense of achievement. I’ve also started to explore mindfulness. I don’t think medication alone is the answer and have taken the attitude that is may not be may fault, but it is my responsibility to self care.
sarah40069 elevatorboy
Hi there, I started on 50mg for a week then upped to 100mg. The side effects were pretty bad for a week or 2, no appetite, insomnia, feeling extra anxious. After 3 weeks I started to feel a bit better then had another major anxious episode, on and off for around 10 days or so. I'm now about 6 weeks into the 100mg and for the last week I've been feeling better. The anxiety tries to come back from time to time, especially in the morning, but I am finding it easier to distract myself. People kept reassuring me that it can take 6-8 weeks to feel an affect, so depending when you started, it might take longer even for the smaller doses to have an affect. Hope that helps.
UK-Rose elevatorboy
Sorry for the delay,
For me I personally found it was beneficial to give every increase the right amount of time (4-8wks) before jumping onto the next... least that way I could be 100% sure what dose worked and what dose didn’t.
Ive read that when you first start a new increase you have to start back with a fresh time count also... (this is why most people will experience side effects all over again... till the new dose settles) time consuming I know?
I started low...
25mg - 1week
37.5mg - 1week
50mg - 4weeks continuing
My doctor initially wanted me to increase to 100mg pretty early on but I decided I wanted to wait it out and see what 50mg had to offer first. Im glad I did... after 4weeks Im seeing benefits, no anxiety, certainly not bothered about social anxiety, more interactive, depression lifting... I feel about 80% my old self.
Im still early days (6wks total) and may have to increase in the future, but again I will try 75mg before jumping straight to 100mg... I want to give all lower doses a full chance. But If I continue to feel the way I do now, I will be more than happy to remain at 50mg.
Hope this helps 🌹
dawn0904 UK-Rose
elevatorboy dawn0904
So i have been on 100mg for about 3weeks now....feeling abit better, but yea, i will be watching tv with a friend then (it seems like) all of a sudden i get anxious. Could this be the "lingering anxiety" you are talking about? I didnt know if you could provide an example with that point. I tend to get a bit sweaty and feel the anxiety in my hands and feel my body's temp going up.
I am taking this drug for GAD. I tend to do well with examples. I was having a hell of a time even when i was on the lower doses and i keep reading from various sources that people say things like "I could feel a slight improvement when i was on 25 or 50 mg three week in". I am just worried cause i didn't feel any relief during that time, but i also know my doc was bumping up the does every two weeks or a week sometimes. Now i am on 100mg, till i see him in 2 weeks. By then i will be on the 100mg for about a month. You say you "feel better throughout". What do you mean Dawn? Like all the lingering anxiety slowly settled (which you think was a side effect from the drug) started to disappear and in the end it actually made things better? Sorry for the long responce, and sorry I have not been on here for a while. I am trying to not read to much more info on different sites cause i find it just makes me more worried about this whole process; and that in its self can cause anxious thoughts. Thanks so much.
dawn0904 elevatorboy