been on holiday

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Been on holiday for 2 weeks with very slow internet connection so not been able to respond to the vast amount of posts there have been recently - hope to catch up soon.

Interesting holiday - all inclusive - all the booze you could want and then some.  Me?  Not too bothered!

Had red wine with both lunch and dinner - they just give you a bottle - but never had much more than 2/3 bottle (2 large glasses), with some water, each meal. Only had that because it was meal time.  

No drink before 1 pm - not interested.  (Even though there is cava available at breakfast)  Then some days maybe a glass of sangria or a wine before lunch, some days not.

No desire for drink in the afternoons - just coffee and water - and in the evening only wine with dinner because it was a meal.  Had a pre-dinner g and t or cava on about half the evenings.  Nothing after 9-9:30 pm, just coffee and water.  Didn't fancy drinking at all.  No cravings, no desire.  Only drank at meal times because it was a meal.  Went to bed sober every night - which I so love doing!!

Really want this non desire for a drink to continue back at home.  Felt really optimistic that I might manage to control my drinking better when home.  

I wonder how much it's to do with hunger.  Three meals included each day on holiday - no chance to get hungry.  Because food and drink go together for me I always drink when I'm hungry/when I eat (if I can).  Had 2 glasses wine on the flight back - shouldn't have done that. Now home I've been drinking all afternoon and into the evening.  

What happened to my resolve on holiday and to my lack of desire to drink?  

Only difference is, wine on holiday only 11% abv compared with 13.5% at home.

Plus I should say that I felt rather unwell most afternoons on holiday for a couple of hours or so, a bit shaky, anxious and hollow.  Might that have been acohol withdrawl?

Grateful for any comments - gong to look at all the losts I've missed now

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello h1954.  I am glad you have had a good holiday.  Change and rest and all that ! It really is good for you.  

    Are you you taking medication?

    Are you a Willpower Person ?

    Well, now that you are back... just re- focus... your intentions are more than honourable.  Onwards and upwards etc.   I wish I could take my own advice.

    Good Luck,

    Alonangel 🎇


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      thanks, Angel - no medication - feeling ill today - haven't had a hangover like this for a very long time!
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    losts = posts
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    How did you manage this?  Not important that you DID!  But I can see that you want to do the same at home....maybe you will.

    ​Curious if your doing the Selincro twist?  I hope your good habits continue..because you sound HAPPY. 


    • Posted

      Thanks Missy, I don't know how I did it, I just didn't really fancy drinking - it was great and I so hoped it would last when I got back, but I drank 2 bottles of wine yesterday and have had a bad hangover today - like I haven't had in a very long time.  Feel really bad as it's ruined two days, didn't do all I planned yesterday and not feeling well enough today.  

      I did wonder if the fact that the wine on holiday was only 11% abv it didn't hit the pleasure receptors as hard and so I didn't want more.  Or if it was because I never felt hungry (lots of food!).  Or just the change of routine.

      I'm not on any medication, except thiamine and vit b.

      Don't fancy a drink today, so that's good!

    • Posted

      I absolutely think it had alot to do with the FOOD....FOOD definetly changes my mindset and when my stomach is full...I don't crave alcohol.

      ​All the times that i have relapsed...have been on an empty stomach. Sometimes I knew I would the last time....5 days ago...and I purposely wouldn't eat...cause then I knew #1 it would ruin whatever buzz/relief I wanted and would possibly ruin my plan of drinking.

      ​The problem is...on holiday...everything was done for you.  I have no motivation to cook here...and when I'm sober it is a real chore to make sure I stay eliminate cravings.

      ​I think your other point about the lower amount of alcohol also factors in because your body feels more like crap with higher alcohol when coming down which I don't know about you..but when I feel like crap during a drinking binge...I just want to drink to feel better.

      ​Maybe for that could buy lower alcohol beverages? 

      ​Now that your aware that it is food and alcohol content....the only thing I think you can do right now is montior and address those things the best you can.

      ​its good that you don't feel like drinking TODAY.

  • Posted

    Be proud that you enjoyed your holiday with a small amount of alcohol. I've been on all inclusive holidays and the temptation is constantly there!

    You will definitely get alcohol withdrawals, as we all do, but you have got through it. Well done x

    • Posted

      Thanks for your encouraging words. Sadly I have not done at all well since I got home. Had 2 bottles wine the day I got home and had a hangover the next day like I've not had for years. Thought I wouldn't drink the next day and didn't feel like it, but did have 2 medium glasses with a late supper. The next day one bottle, but quite quickly between 6.15 and 8.30 pm. Then soft drinks but got a bad headache which lasted all night and finally went about 9 the next morning. Today, planned to have no booze, but real fancy at lunch time - 2 large glasses (with food). Had the withdrawl feelings about 2 hours later, lasted about an hour or so. Couldn't/didn't drink as had a meeting to attend in the evening. Felt fine. Good meeting - made a good contribution. Now been home an hour and have had 2 large glasses, with food. In the great scheme of drinking it's not too bad, but it's still very much too much. Don't understand how I could be not bothered about a drink while on holiday but now really want it.

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