Been on Zoloft 2 days and hate the side effects
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My psychiatrist just started me on Zoloft 50mg. I am dealing with depression and repetitive thoughts about my health . So psych thought Zoloft was best med for me.
Only been on it 2 days but hate the side affects. I'm so jittery and nervous, feeling like I'm going to jump out of my skin, hands shaky and worst of all agitated. I'm scared to continue using it as my agitation seems to be focused more around my son. I called my psychiatrist and he suggested I take a lower dose but I think I'm going to stop talking it all together. And ask to try something else. Anyone out there have any feed back for me please and thank you
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lorraine82455 beatriz_82208
beatriz_82208 lorraine82455
Thank you Lorraine. I'm thinking of trying a micro dose (12.5 mg) tomorrow morning and see how that works for me. I don't know wheather the depression or medication side affects are worse. It's so hard and at times I feel like there isn't a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply
lorraine82455 beatriz_82208
That's what I did. 12.5 for two was, then 25 then 37.5. I could not get to fifty, I tried 50 for 22 days, but was jumping out of my skin. I am feeling a bit better, but I am weening off this drug. The side effects not worth the small improvements
Marie266 beatriz_82208
Hello I literally took a setraline tablet 50 mg yesterday morning and until now I feel weird I don't think I can continue taking them. I have been awake from 2.30 am it's now 5am with like a weird panic attack my mouth is so dry also I feel it has given me energy but I don't like the effects
beatriz_82208 Marie266
Hi Marie. I feel the same way. I just lay in bed tossing and turning can't sleep but feel tired. My mouth is also very dry and I have completely no appetite. I try to eat but I just end up feeling sick to my stomach. I in the same boat as you. I too don't know if I can take the side effects. I wish I had something a little more positive to say.
l48934 Marie266
I took them three days and had to stop. Today is my second day off them and nausea is better. Still feel a little weird and after doing the math, it will take about two weeks for it to totally be out of my body. My OB perscribed them as I was having anxiety about and hormonal fluctuations from switching birth control. I wanted to try to tough it out, but I just couldn't.
l48934 beatriz_82208
beatriz_82208 l48934
If you don't mind me asking, did you prescribed something else? Only reason I ask is I feel that a lot of the crying, depression, anxiety I'm feeling is due to hormones as well. I'm told that I'm in perimenopuse.
beatriz_82208 l48934
Ive only been on it two days but feeling extremely weird. I called my doctor to let him know about the side affects he suggested I try a smaller dose and if I still have the side affects to stop. Personally I don't know if I want to try the smaller dose.
How long have you been on it? Are you still on it? How long did you take it before you decided it wasn't for you? If that's the case?
l48934 beatriz_82208
Sorry late to reply, I'm still figuring out the messgage board (my first to use). I had a Mirena. It was my third one. When I got my second one 6 years ago I had some emotional stuff going on for a few months and then it got better. With this third one, the emothional stuff didn't get better after 7 months. I also developed uterine fibroids during that time, so I was having alot of pain and pressure and the Mirena felt like it was poking and pinching. I started keeping ajournal so my OB could see how often I was having problems and what they were and to find patterns. It took that long to convince him I needed to take it out. It also made me somewhat obsessed with it, trying to prove I needed to take it out which caused some anxiety. So, finally I got it taken out last Friday. The pain and pressure was immediately gone. I was fine for a few days, then got kind of scared about my feelings so I called him again. He suggested Zoloft for 6 months or so to adjust to the new hormones, etc... I was already not sleeping well, but then... I took serrtaline for three days. The first day (50 mg) it did calm me but that night I could not sleep. Tossed and turned all night. Took Ativan to help, but it did not help me sleep. Just zoned me out more. So I felt like a zombie. I was not anxious, just zonked out and my stomach churned and made noises all night. I was also nauseous and could not eat. The next day, I called my life-long pharmacist who recommended I take 1/2 dose (25 mg). Tried it, did not feel the relaxation, just the side effects. Headache, stomach ache, could not put food in my mouth, barely could drink water. Zombified, just felt bad all over. No sleep despite Ativan and Benedryl. The third day, I thought ,"okay Im going to power through these side effects at get to a better place. Felt even worse. So, the fourth day, I saw my general practioner. She advised I was most likely feeling the effects of the progestin in Mirena and then the lack of it switching to the pill. I dediced to not take S. anymore. I was also having weird things going on with my vision, like still seeing lights when I closed my eyes, blurred vision etc... I felt generally kind of shaky and yucky the first day off, appetite came back. Second day, about the same, felt good until the late afternoon. Today is day four off. I woke up feeling good. I had to take Benedryl last night to go to sleep, but haven't had an Ativan in two days. Having an MRI today to rule out anything with the headaches and vision stuff. Thinking of trying Melatonin for sleep. I hope my hormones adjusting will even out and I can put this whole thing behind me soon.
tammie67872 beatriz_82208
tammie67872 beatriz_82208
l48934 tammie67872
Good luck with your transition. How did you learn about Magnesium for sleep? Also, does the flaxseed oil work well for anxiety? I have occastion anxiety, but mostly just can't sleep anymore.
tammie67872 l48934
I have been talking to my pharmacist about the vitamins. flaxseed oil instead of fish oil because i'm highly allergy to shellfish. Flaxseed oil is made from a plant. magnesium instead of benedryl it doesnt give the hang over feeling
l48934 tammie67872