Been sick
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This morning I was doing fine then this afternoon I started feeling sick flu like symptoms like my cold has not gone away
Was feeling this way all day yesterday too was sick with a bad cold on Thursday it just seems to linger on and on with colds and just feeling flu lie symptoms has any one ever felt this way while in post menopausal
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shaznay96184 susan21149
Felt like this on Wednesday. I had come on - yet again, regular as bloody clockwork me! - and felt great in myself, but absolutely knackered with a rotten gut ache. Very unlike me, but when we got in I laid on the sofa and had a kip! I absolutely hate sleeping during the day, and very rarely feel tired during the day, even if I haven't slept well. Sure sign things are a-changing
Remember around Xmas time when i found this forum that I felt like I was getting 'flu the day before I came on. Had felt like that for a couple of years, every month. Once I bled, I felt fine. To be honest I've been very well generally for yonks: can't remember the last time I was actually 'ill'.
I've started taking Menopace and feel really good for it: mentally and physically - my joint paid is 1m times better. Hopefully that'll help ward off colds etc.
Think I was thrown with this Period as right up to actually starting I felt really, really good. That'll teach me for fogetting that this crappy Curse has lots of tricks up its sleeve to put the spanner in the works at the drop of a hat!
No doubt you're rattling around like the rest of us with tons of vits and mins, but I know a few people who swear by Echinacea to ward off a cold. Any use?
I'm in Peri so can only imagine things will get worse long before they get better. Its not fair, is it?
Chin up Kid!
susan21149 shaznay96184
trudy77450 susan21149
susan21149 trudy77450
I have had really bad sinus problems too with my left nostril bleeeding at times then I get really tired to where I just want to sleep have had some headaches but not as much just feel like I have the flu my throat hurting all night Wednesday and Thursday stayed home a slept all day Thursaday.
I felt flu like symptoms all day yesterday woke up fine this morning and then started feeling sick again tonight.
trudy77450 susan21149
susan21149 trudy77450
Hope you are feeling better I'm feeling a little better myself just resting stress can make us sick too we need to learn not to get so stressed out
laurie70017 susan21149
susan21149 laurie70017
Yes I have had stomach problems with this and a lot of sinus problems too with my left nostril bleeding at times