Been to hospital for test now im really scared
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Hi im new here but need some reassurance. Im 55 and had my last period abt 2 years ago but in the last couple of months ive had a slight bleed. Went to my doctor who referred me to the hospital. I went yesterday and had a scan, a virginal scan, a smear and an internal!!! The doctor said my womb lining is 28mm and wants to look with a camera as to why. I so scared its cancer! Not sure i can cope with this. Please help 😟
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nic2222 kim38338
I suppose you have to wait 3-4 weeks for the results? It is a long time!!!
Good luck and keep us posted x
kim38338 nic2222
d19606 kim38338
juliet91758 kim38338
This happened to my friend a few years ago. Hysteroscopy, the lot! She was fine hun. Just one of those things. Got everything crossed for you, try not to over worry.
Juliet X
lynda20916 kim38338
Hi, Kim,
Sorry to learn that you're going through this! Try to accept your feelings, but go ahead and do what needs to be done! The doctors usually stay on top of this! Please take heart and let us know how you do! xx Lynda
kim38338 lynda20916
lynda20916 kim38338
Believe me, I know how scary it is! But because the doctors do their best to catch what's going on, you'll probably get a resolution soon. You did exactly the right things--I know it's not much comfort now, but keep up the good work! xx Lynda
looloo43 kim38338
Ditto exactly what Lynda said Kim. I know how you feel waiting for results, but trust the doctors are doing all the normal procedures/checks when abnormal/irregular bleeding occurs. Its tough waiting, but do your best to try not to worry. Take care hun, & keep us posted. xxx
Dee1952 kim38338
jacky02866 kim38338
Im in a similar situation to you....55 and 2 years since my last period, my lining isnt as thick as yours but from what i've read, the thickness doesn't indicate whether its something nasty or not.
I am having a hysteroscopy ( to look with a camera) even though my gyno is sure that everything is fine from looking at the ovaries havent shrunk so she thinks im still peri not post and everything else looks ok.
A hysteroscopy is something they have to do as routine in postmenopausal women with bleeding.
The way i look at it is that if it is something bad then its probably caught early, most are ....because bleeding is the first sign.....and its curable. Or it could be endometrial hyperplasia which is just a thick lining.
Its the not knowing thats the worst... ive had ups and downs as i expect you are having too X
kim38338 jacky02866