Been to see consultant, results are in.
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I have just been with my partner to see urologist and get the results of 3T MRI which he had done last week. Scan clear, no areas of concern showing which is a massive relief. It does show that his prostate is approximately 70cc so it's not surprising he can feel it. The urologist is content that this accounts for the PSA level of 7.6. He did however advise us that there still could be a tiny Pca in there that the scan would not have picked up, and whilst it would probably never cause any harm or concern he did give the option of a biopsy with 14 cores to be certain. My partner is a worrier and wants this biopsy done. Hopefully he won't regret it. There was no pressure to agree to biopsy and we did feel quite well informed. I think it's for the best as free PSA % is 16. This didn't concern the consultant but as it falls into the "intermediate" category according to some websites we feel happier proceeding to biopsy. So we are looking at early march probably for the procedure to be carried out. Thanks to all of you who have read and replied to my many posts, you have all been a great help and I will continue visiting daily x
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geoff90305 caz11527
Look forward to seeing your post in early March to hear the results. Blind biopsies tend to be like fishing.
Waffalobill caz11527
kenneth1955 caz11527
I feel that the 3T MRI is very good and if there was something there is should have show it self. I don't talk with any consultant What I don't like is that he tells you all is clear and no area of concerns. Then you get well may be. I would see a doctor before I would have the biopsy done. Maybe he's not concern so that is why he did not talk to you. I had a 13 core biopsy done when I was 47 Turned out to me a infection. I'm 61 now and doing fine. Before you have it done see the doctor and see what he has to say...Why have it if there is no problem. All that is going to do is IRRITATE his prostate What ever you deside good luck Ken.
nealpros caz11527
Hi Caz,
My guess is that if the MRI didn't find anything, a 14 core biopsy is very likely to find nothing also. If there is cancer there it obviously is very small or the MRI which is very sensitive would have picked it up. 14 cores represent a very small percentage of the volume of the prostate, especially your partner's, since his is about twice normal size. The size itself could be the cause of the rise in PSA.
How about considering waiting a while, say 6 months, then doing another 3TMRI? That way if something is going on, you'll still see it and catch it early, without the very real danger and pain of the biopsy, which is a poor tool, particularly for what would have to be a small tumor.
kenneth1955 nealpros
Neal.. That is what I was saying wait don't rush into anything. Ken
yes, that does make sense. We now are fairly sure that anything that may be present is very small and suitable for active surveillance. I think he made the decision too quickly last night to have a biopsy. We will discuss over weekend and look at the option of a PSA and 3T MRI a bit down the line maybe. I am scared of him getting infection even though consultant said it's around 5% chance. he also said the last case of urinary retention following the procedure carried out by him was around 2 years ago! Unfortunately we won't know until it's too late.
kenneth1955 caz11527
Yes that would be good. Caz talk it over with him. Why cause more problem if you don't need them Good luck in what ever you decide Ken
Waffalobill caz11527
geoff90305 Waffalobill
Waffalobill geoff90305
nealpros caz11527
nealpros caz11527
Someone else started a new post on here, and I knew you would want to see it, and perhaps show it to your consultant. I wanted to be sure you didn't miss it.
Improved prostate cancer testing using MRI Scan
Posted about 14 hours ago
By James GallagherHealth and science reporter, BBC News website 20 Jan 2017
"The biggest leap in diagnosing prostate cancer "in decades" has been made using new scanning equipment, say doctors and campaigners.
Using advanced MRI nearly doubles the number of aggressive tumours that are caught.
And the trial on 576 men, published in the Lancet, showed more than a quarter could be spared invasive biopsies, which can lead to severe side-effects.
The NHS is already reviewing whether the scans can be introduced widely.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in British men, and yet testing for it is far from perfect.
If men have high prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels in the blood, they go for a biopsy.
Twelve needles then take random samples from the whole of the prostate.
It can miss a cancer that is there, fail to spot whether it is aggressive, and cause side-effects including bleeding, serious infections and erectile dysfunction.
"Taking a random biopsy from the breast would not be accepted, but we accept that in prostate," said Dr Hashim Ahmed, a consultant and one of the researchers.
Around 100,000 to 120,000 men go through this every year in the UK.
The trial, at 11 hospitals in the UK, used multi-parametric MRI on men with high PSA levels.
It showed 27% of the men did not need a biopsy at all."
kenneth1955 geoff90305
kenneth1955 Waffalobill
I had IV's for 6 days and a port in my arm when I went home. they took blood 43 times I have the sheet that they charge my insurance MY ARMS WERE SORE FOR DAYS. I don't let them touch my hands anymore they blew them to...Ken
kenneth1955 caz11527
Waffalobill kenneth1955
The bad part was half the staff didn't follow protical. Probably how I got the infection.
Waffalobill kenneth1955
Well was only supposed to be a day or two. So they didn't run a picc line. They should have. The one drug, when ran in a picc, takes 90 minutes to run. In IV took 3 and a half hours. night nurses would try to crank it up. Run it in 2 and a half hours. Blow the vein out. Then morning nurse would have to restart a new IV . Sometimes they had to restart it 2 times a day. Plus blood work 2 or 3 times a day to check drug levels in my blood stream. Other drug was a 30 minute run. Gave me a migraine every time. That was 3 times a day. Other was twice a day.
kenneth1955 Waffalobill
Yes that was a pain. In the hospital I was in they did follow the rules. They did blood on me 2 to 3 times a hour for 6 days. Had to have 11 more at home. Had a nurse come ever morning. She was very nice. That is when I told them no about putting a catheter in thay still tryed but could not get it in. ( They needed a urine sample ) I peed on my own a hour later a hour When I said I told you no. The nurse said oh I'm sorry I did not hear you. Ya right They just did what they wanted to do. Never again. Ken..
Waffalobill kenneth1955
I had a night nurse just glove up. No mask or gown. One lady from nutrition would look around, then bring me in my food. Say she's holding her breath. I was like well you can't catch my infection breathing. You can by touch tho. These are ppl who go in every room on that floor atleast. The meds made my temp jump up and down the first 3 days on them. So I was calling the night nurse in half way threw the shift for a dry gown and sheet. They change the sheet while I washed up and changed my gown. Real pita.
geoff90305 Waffalobill
kenneth1955 Waffalobill
Everyone was pretty good but I finely ask if someone could help me take a shower. After 4 days of being on the iv's they said yes. I had cold sweat and it was so cold in that room. No male nurses around so they sent in a tx about 22 she was very nice and at that point I did not care. I worked in a nursing home when I was younger you see everything even stuff you don't want to see. I hope I never get that again Take it easy Ken
kenneth1955 geoff90305
Waffalobill kenneth1955
Same here. I was released on a Friday afternoon. Late. Felt funny Saturday night. Called docs office talked to doc on call. Called back Monday morning. He saw me Tuesday morning. Cathed me, took a culture. Wednesday night got a chill. Thought it was from all the meds they gave me. It went away. By 5 am Thursday morning it happened again. That's when it hit me. I had a infection. Temp 102. Called docs office a t 9 am. Told his nurse what was up. Figured they call in a script. She said he wants to see you now. Drove in. First thing they did was have me pee for them, take my temp. Pee was cloudy, temp was 103. I'm still thinking he's gonna give me more meds. Doc comes in says go over to admitting. I am putting you back in hospital for IV meds. By this time my wife came home. Seen my car gone. She's freaking out. Starts blowing up my phone. Waiting to be admitted thought I was going to pass out. By then it was so bad. Doc comes over tells me cultures not done yet but it's going staph he can tell. Wife shows up freaking out. Told her relax. Just a infection. Early next morning culture is back. Culture went MRSA.
kenneth1955 Waffalobill
What a mess. It seams like you tey to take care of one thing and something else happens. That's like I had my heart ablation done on November 28, 2016 Came out of the hospital with a cough could not keep anything down Went back to the hospital I was admitted withing the hour. Had pneumonia in left lung top of right and bronchitis. More IV's I hope i'm done with hospitals. Take it easy Ken