Before starting your period

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I would like to ask you ladies, how do you feel before your period starts?

Apart from the psychological PMS symptoms, what else do you feel?

I am in perimenopause but still have regular periods...

In my case, before 2-3 days my period starts, I have some brown discharges and I feel a burning sensation in the area around my pelvis, another sensation like needles inside my joints are stiff calves are a little bit heavy...I  also have gasses from my colon

thank u in advance

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Evi, 41 and in horrendous perimenopause.  I feel like I’m getting the flu. I have to pee constantly, GI issues, nausea, hot skin, chills, night sweats, heavy dead legs, dizzy, faint, ovary pain, brown spotting sometimes, back pain, neck pain, joint pain, and feel like I am losing my mind.  Sometimes, I get all this and NO period.  I was every 21 days for 4 months...not sure what this month has in store for me!  Good times! 
    • Posted

      Oh yes, this feeling like flu is awful...I was wondering if it is due to the release of prostaglandins in our body?

      Your ovary pain is like bites or pulses on your ovary?  Have you noticed any itchiness on your belly area and especially above the ovary?

      Neck and back pain,too...and pee constantly, I have to get up many times during night to pee..

      You are young for this but I have the record..I am only 32 and I am in this unbearable condition for 2 years...


    • Posted

      Sometimes it feels like my ovaries are being pulled at.  Around my belly button gets itchy...I have stretch marks there though!  You are young, wow.   I think I started at 38...but I was on BCP, so masked a lot  of symptoms.  Went off last year at 40...thought i was dying.  Are you on anything?  I am on an AD for this anxiety, than I may go back on bcp.  
    • Posted

      I am taking occasionally 1.2 Xanax for my anxiety or crying outbursts but not on a daily basis...maybe one or two days during whole my bodily symptoms are unbearable...I am sure I need HRT and estrogen to function

      I have a cyst of endometriosis on my right ovary that has to be removed  so maybe the cyst has destroyed ovarian tissue that;s why I am so early in perimenopause maybe it is autoimmune..

      death is considered a redemption when sb is suffering, perimenopause is hell on earth, torture , a life  in hell

      Please God help us

  • Posted

    Ive started to feel a bit better the last few days. I’ve not had a period since May and I can’t remember how I felt before that one. I’ve been suffering with terrible sleep and buzzing sensation in my core and legs but the last few days that has subsided, I’m wondering if I’m going to get another period. I’ve still got the joint pain though but my sleep has been much better, getting 6.5 hours sleep the last few nights which is wonderful.
  • Posted

    The 3-4 days before my period are the WORST. 

    Teeth hurt, calf muscles hurt, migraines, blurry eyes, debilitating fatigue, bones hurt...especially my pelvis and elbows. I'm currently pre-menstrual and could barely get out of bed yesterday because of the fatigue and lethargy.

    • Posted

      I am premenstrual, too...Now, I have brown discharges..tomorrow is the 28 day of my cycle..I am waiting for normal period... I am craving for sugar and carbohydrates

      Yesterday, my knees were hurting so badly

      I had also nightmares and vivid dreams last night

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