Beginning of frozen shoulder?
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Hi everyone.
I was wondering if you could tell me about frozen shoulder at the beginning.
I've been having a dull ache in my left shoulder and down my arm. If I move sometimes I can get a sickening pain, also if I stretch it or put my wait on it. Been going on about for 3 weeks now.
I've also noticed some restriction in movement. Can't stretch it up fully, when above my head, it gets to painfull. Also, putting it behind my back, its painful. Not able to scratch middle of back. I can only lift my arm, so far to to side, before it gets painful. Same when I lift to the front.
Also its sore when I lie on it in bed, also If my partner presses against me.
Somedays its better then others.
What do think, is it the start of frozen shoulder or something else?
I'f been taking painkillers, but the dull ache dosen't go. Will be going doctors, to see about this. Just wanted to see what you all thought.
Thank you beforehand for your help.
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Sounds exactly like frozen shoulder. Be careful about stretching arm overhead or behind. It's usually worst at start, requiring painkillers for sleep, for 2 or 3 months, but with luck, it should calm down gradually over the next months. The less aggravation the shoulder gets, the quicker the recovery. Sleeping comfort is important too....I used to sleep in an armchair when the pain was too much lying down. Usually it lasts for 10 to 12 months and then disappears mysteriously. Some people have it for longer, but I believe that is mostly because they've had physiotherapy or surgery which has aggravated it further. Good rest and quick natural healing would be my advice. Good luck.
I've decided to go to doctors,hopefully on monday. Then I know for sure, with what I could be dealing with.
I've just been reading about FS is suppose to be on the non-dominant side, but mines in my dominant side. Then I also was reading, about if that side had been injured, which it was a while ago (having niggles ever since),itcould trigger it. Is this true?
My ache with pain, seems to get more worse towards evening, is that because, I'm still using it as much as possible?
I'm concerned,if itis FS,about the frozen stage. Does it freeze straight down,and how do go about dressing, eg, putting your arm inarm holes,ect.
In other words how bad does it get?
Take care
( \"I'm concerned,if itis FS,about the frozen stage. Does it freeze straight down,and how do go about dressing, eg, putting your arm inarm holes,ect.
In other words how bad does it get? \".
Assuming it is FS, then it's already in the 'frozen stage'....all that means is that there is restricted movement. The whole thing shouldn't seize up. However, it is important to not try and ease it by straining it further, which seems to be how we normally react. I always found it more painful in mornings and evening, perhaps because of sitting or lying down. It usually eased off when vertical, and didn't bother me too much at work (decorating) as long as I was careful.
I too have a frozen shoulder in my right arm. Had arthiritis in shoulder and had Subcramial Decompression arthriscopic surgery in June....6 months later I am in agony, and have now been told it is a frozen shoulder.
I am in so much pain with it too, makes me feel sick with sudden movements, pins and needles down arm into hand, dragging feeling constantly and hardly any sleep whatsoever! Have now agreed to capsular release in january 12 and to be honest it cant come quick enough! I have been in constant pain for over a year now and it is making me soooooo miserable.
Whilst I do not want to go through all the surgery route again especially arthriscopic surgery in the same shoulder withing 9 months of each other and am told that there is a risk of it freezing again afterwards, I feel it is worth it as I find the pain worse waiting and especially being told frozen shoulder can last up to 3 years! Also my left shoulder is now making the noises of arthritis grinding and popping and will enevitably need surgery in the future
Reading on this forum about people who have had surgery mankes me feel better as it has worked for them! I just hope it does for me. Fingers crossed
Only a week on but already seeing such an improvement with my movement, alhto it is very painful when moving it but this is to be expected after surgery, this will take 4-6 weeks to fully get better, but already I can get my arm up my back and up above my head.. . you have to do physio several times ago to keep it moving but you are given strong painkillers to take, which are imperative to be able to do your exercises.
I met a fantastic physio, who should have been working on my break, but threw in some acupuncture which I believe got the healing started. It was painful therapy, but worth the pain, to relieve the pain. I could not raise my arm above my chest area or to the side - it was frozen!! aND IF YOU FORGOT AND TRIED TO REACH OUT, IT WAS EXCRUCIATING! Also really bad at night!!
Also really essential are exercises, every day. E.g. walking your hand like a spider up a wall as far as you can go and try again next day, don't stop, until it improves. Still have twinges some years later and a crunchy shoulder = but remember how bad it was at the time.
Don't despair, with effort there is likely to be an answer for most people.
jean1948 snugsy
I find your post very interesting as I have exactly the same symptoms except mine started as a pain in the muscle of my right arm but then spread up to my right shoulder then went to my left arm and shoulder, but every symptom you have mentioned is exactly what I have.Have you ever suggested to your doctor that you may have rotator cuff lnflammation, i have been diagnosed with this in the past and I am convinced that this is what I have got now. I have an appointment to see a rheumatologist tomorrow it will be interesting to see what the outcome is, I will let you know.