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Hi not sure if anyone else has had this issue with mirtazapine, I have been on 20 mg for around 4 months I was feeling ok on them but ive noticed changes in myself I dont like. Im argumentative and agitated alot of the time. My mood swings are Incredible ive come close to telling my boss to shove there job when I was challenged about my negative behaviour.....what is happening to me, has anyone else experienced this????

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I have. And then when I stopped I was crying every day. Not sure what's worse! But anger issues are definitely attributable to mirtazapine. Good luck!
  • Posted

    Helen, jobs are hard to come by where I'm from. I believe I'd explaine what is going on to my boss, and get a grip on where this is coming from. If the only new meds that you are on is Mirtazapine, then that narrows it down some. Agree?
    • Posted

      Thanks for your replies. I have explained to my boss and to be fair to them and my colleagues they have been great really supportive. Before I was on the meds I was a wreck crying daily. The mirtazapine have stopped the tears, maybe the anger and frustration could be circumstance. I will perservere and try and keep a check on my negative thougts. Fingers crossed.
  • Posted

    Hi when I first taking mirt I thought I'd had a personality transplant it was an antidepressant and sleep aid it did its job.I think youl find after time you will start to feel like your usual self.stick with it.

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