Being referred for possible ablation
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Hi folks. After being admitted back in April for a couple of days of testing following a pretty lengthy (for me) 26hrs in AF, my latest cardiology visit has decided that Bisoprolol isn't controlling my episodes well enough and we're changing meds. Also, I'm being referred for discussion about ablation. Currently, I'm not on any thinners, only the bisop. Reading some of the previous posts about some of the issues with bleeds etc, I'm wondering what thoughts or experiences you may have and if anyone else was thinners-free, but has had ablation and now has to take more meds than pre op? Thanks.
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deanna82033 cardiac_congo
cardiac_congo deanna82033
june64137 cardiac_congo
i myself am on Bisoprolol which up until recently worked fine. I was also referred for ablation but having listened to risks associated with procedure declined to have at this time, wanted to explore all medical avenues, I suspect I may have to have in the end. I would suggest you research as much as you can about ablation and the newer blood thinners available. I hope this has been helpful. Good Luck.
cardiac_congo june64137
judith85360 cardiac_congo
cardiac_congo judith85360
Mazza44 cardiac_congo
I could not abide bisoprolol, I used Flecanide but only as a pill in the pocket approach taking one tablet when I have an episode.
Ablation will be my last resort but fingers crossed I am well controlled at present.
cardiac_congo Mazza44
Greebo64 cardiac_congo
I turned down the suggestion of beta blockers because of the side effect "impotence".
i am on Apixaban [anticoagulant] but i am not keen to take this drug either, but also not keen on having a stroke.
When i had my first ablation in 2010 i was put on warfrin then & kept on it for 12 months after which my AF Dr. took me off it as he was happy my AF was under control, he said that the risk bleed was more likely than anything else.
Your AF sounds pritty bad, i am suprised you are not on any anticoagulants
cardiac_congo Greebo64
Greebo64 cardiac_congo
I had my first arctic front ablation [cryo method] in 2010, i was ok for around 18 months but the it started over again. when i first started with AF i found that is was only exertion that got the heart rate pumping for a lengh of time sent me into AF, at this time only cardio version would get me back into synus rhythem..non of the dugs would work,oral or introvenous.
i only seem to go into AF in the evening, i have never had AF during the day. when the AF returened around 18 months After the first ablation, i found that i could go into AF not only by exertion but also at rest,ie, sat watching TV in the evening & usualy after a meal, but this time,unlike the first time around it did settle on its own after a couple of hours..
my GP recommended a second ablation due to my concern of a possible severe stroke..but i wished i had just put up with it now, i am taking Abixaban & 4mg of Candasartin.
if you have read my first post you will see why i wished i had not had the ablation.
i would not recommend anyone having the ablation which i had the 2nd time around which was the point to point burning technique, it is very,very risky..i almost lost my life.
joyce48062 cardiac_congo
cardiac_congo joyce48062