Being sent for sono after 2 months of extended periods..
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Feeling nervous...I am 49 and have been dealing with various symptoms of peri for several years...the last year my periods have gotten more irregular..not having a period for a couple months and then having a light one...or heavy last two periods have been long in duration..starting with spotting and then becoming a full blown period for a couple or three days and then back to lighter flow for several days...last month this went on for 22 days..this month i am on 14 days now..and still light spotting off n on..with some clotting and cramping mostly in my lower back. I have been taking one iron pill a day but still am feeling worn down. Friday my NP told me she felt I should have a sono to see what is going on. This scares me..I feel like she wouldnt send me for this if she felt what I am having is normal so she must feel something is wrong. My sono is this Thursday..and I am trying not to worry too much. Easier said than done. Prayers appreciated.
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gailannie lori610
I know at times this can be unsettling, however I really believe this will turn out fine.
As you must alredy know, when a woman is nearing menopause, she often is not ovulating. Producing estrogen at very irratic levels, but very little progesterone. So this explains many of your peri symptoms, and your strange periods. She's just looking to see how thick your lining is. Possibly she will recommend a some progesterone for 14 days of your cycle. (Not a doctor, just saying.)
lori610 gailannie
anne44931 lori610
Try not to worry. I am 46 and have similar symptoms. My last period lasted 7 weeks. I have my gynaecology appt on Tues and like you am really anxious. Doc has said it is most likely peri but has referred me just as a precaution.
Im sure everything will be OK. Let me know how you get on
lori610 anne44931
lori610 anne44931
DearDoe lori610
It sounds pretty normal for perimenopause to me. After reading all of the other ladies posts on here so many of us are going through the exact same thing. It's your doctor's job to make sure that there's nothing else going on, but it just sounds like the normal, fun symptoms.
lori610 DearDoe
Woo3353 lori610
I had a biopsy, ultrasound and camera although I was advised mine was estrogen dominance in the UK being given these tests is usual practice with irregular bleeding so try not to worry.
Only take iron tablets for short intervals unless your Dr states otherwise as they can deplete your natural Zinc levels if taken excessively. Also take ibuprofen this can reduce the blood flow. Also watch your mood levels if you feel anxious as this can escalate quite quickly to panic disorder if your are constantly worrying, I got quite bad and now take anti depressants.
I found natural herbal tablets very beneficial it took a couple of months to work but now my periods have gone from every 7-9 days to every 35 days. Agnus castra and flaxseed are what I take I also overhauled my diet including lots of natural grains brown rice/ pasta no processed food or any sugar
Once the anti depressants kicked in my periods stopped being frequent so I believe that this is all to do with hormone and cortisol / adrenal levels.
Try not to worry
victoria94811 Woo3353
victoria94811 Woo3353
ps. I think that I was suffering adrenal stress too as I was exhausted and sleeping 12hrs. I wasn't depressed, just exhausted 24/7 yet unable to sleep at night.
lori610 Woo3353
victoria94811 lori610
Lori610, to be honest I was shocked at how little I knew about my body. Apart from high school education classes, then my pregnancy 26yrs ago, I hadn't had to think about much until now! Then I started to take responsibility for my health and find out as much as I could but also found that my symptoms, much to my dismay, were common and that doctors don't think too much about them. So much more than estrogen to our bodies, no one talks about the balance of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone required to stop things going haywire!
lori610 victoria94811
The more I read on this forum and other reliable forums, not just googling..lots of scary stuff if you just google!!..the more I realize there are so many women who have the exact symptoms I am having..I almost feel as if having the sono isn't really that necessary, but I believe I will go ahead to at least give myself peace of mind, if nothing else. I really do not want to take any hormones, nor do I want surgery if at all possible to avoid!! Thank you for your reply!
victoria94811 lori610
I had terribly heavy/flooding periods from 2007 to this year. In 2009 the gyno wanted to give me a hysterectomy but even though I didn't want any more kids, I wanted to keep my bits because as a nurse I know that when you take something out, something else drops down into it's place and then probs can happen. As it wasn't life/death surgery, I said no. I put up with it all (wearing incontinence pad +tampon at the worst of it to work!) and now my 3 fibroids have shrunk dramatically: estrogen made them grow and the pill was helping them grow - I just didn't know it and no doctor bothered to tell me, rather telling me surgery would fix everything. Get your levels tested properly and monitor them. Have your sono for peace of mind and to get a clean bill of health. Give caffeine a miss and see how you go with less sugar and carbs. Been nice chatting to you!