belching/burping since June with NO relief and slight chest stinging

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sooo been beching a lot since June. had lots of test. only thing confirmed is lactose fructose intolerance. no matter what I eat or drink...I belch n burp a lot every day. had endoscope with slight bile reflux gastritus but not really confirmed. have "stinging" sensations sometimes in chest had like 6 EKG test ..chest xray... blood test all normal. could this still be something cardiac related,? a bit anxious...

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Stomach problems can create an illusion of cardiac issue. Because any problem, pain in stomach radiates to left side of back and in the chest.

    • Posted

      this is so true Vish2015 about the illusion of cardiac issues. ots so weird how that happens. I have no family history/issues of anything cardiac. what u said makes sense about the pain radiating

    • Posted

      Try to use some probiotics with higher strength. I am having one in morning and one in evening. And it reduced my stomach issues.

    • Posted

      cool.Any examples of probiotics you may use. my naturalpathic doc has me on 1 probiotic a day in the am but it's supposed to be an intense one

    • Posted

      I recently tried one with name "Wow", however if it's not available at your side, then someone here also gave a positive review about one named "Flora".

      Probiotic as far as I know does not cause any harm even if strong one is taken. However consult your doctor about it to confirm. Higher number of strains can make it expensive though. For example the one named "Flora" , I found it very expensive.

  • Posted

    If tests have confirmed lactose and fructose intolerance along with bile reflux gastritis, accept this as your diagnosis since it showed up in an endoscopy. If an endoscopy showed this, you have a confirmed diagnosis! Avoid lactose and fructose, eat blandly, ask for a PPi medication and above all try not to worry; anxiety worsens gut problems. Indigestion can feel like heart problems even when it is not. Accept, believe and trust your diagnosis.

    • Posted

      hydrogen breath test confirmed the lactose and fructose intolerence. endoscope in August was given bile reflux gastritis. now what what I read bike reflux gastritis does not seem to respond well to PPI's? heard this before . PPI for that type of gastritus better than something like a zantac?

      avoiding both lactose and fructose completely is a BIG task as there is so much that has 1 or the other. I definitely need to work on NOT worrying when I feel weird/different symptoms

    • Posted

      You could try an over the counter antacid or ask your doctor what he recommends. You can avoid lactose by choosing lactose free products in the 'free from' range in the shops. With fructose, try reducing your intake if completely avoiding it can't be be done. New symptoms can cause anxiety;try deep breathing exercises to calm you down and try concentrating on a hobby or light exercise to distract your mind from your stomach.

    • Posted

      cool. yeah he left a message about the types of medications I can "try" but basically left it up to me without him preferring one over another. ok to the lactose/frutose as well as the deep breathing and distraction from my stomach. that is great info.

      **If the belching stays and does not go away with me making changes, would it be excessive to consult with a few more gastroenterologists??

    • Posted

      If your symptoms continue, even with making changes, you could simply ask your doctor to recommend other types of medications/techniques to control your symptoms. Sometimes you have to try different medications and coping strategies to find the one that suits you. I don't think there is much more a GI doctor can tell you since you already have a diagnosis.

      However, try to see it more positively and make the changes that are necessary with the hope that they will work. Don't give yourself extra worries of your treatments not working out; that will only make your stomach worse. The worst case scenario of your treatments not helping may never happen. Try to avoid your food triggers, avoid rich, fatty and spicy foods, take any medication you need to take and stay as calm and as positive as possible. This is the very best you can do.

      My diagnosis is IBS induced by anxiety. My symptoms got a lot better by trying to stay as positive as possible and I know that even a small amount of stress can cause a flare up so I try to avoid stress. I also know that my medication will work if I need it. A positive mindset is a crucial part of your treatment to ease your stomach.

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