Believe I have fractured/broken my metatarsal
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So I went to the Hospital because I ended up getting into and argument and my dumb ass decided to kick my trailer "seemed like a good idea at the time" so immediately following I went to put my foot on the ground applied pressure and feel in tears... I have my brother take my shoe laces off and get my shoe off of my foot it was swollen up like really bad and turning purple so I of course had my brother take me to the hospital about 15mins after the incident my foot had gone numb and the swelling kept getting worse and worse... So I go to the hospital told them what happened etc. So they took x-rays and on my way from x-ray room I asked the doctor if it was broken! She told me she was not allowed to tell me whether or not it was broken but it didn't look good has any one ever heard of this before I Know doctor patient confidentiality but I'm ur patient its my foot let me know right? So I'm waiting in the room the actual doctor on staff at the Er came to me sat down looked at my foot touched it and gave me an ice pack so I again asked if it was fractured/broken she said im going to look at x-rays now so about 20-25 mins go by she comes back into the room says it's not broken it's a contusion... Even though my toes are numb and i can't move them or apply pressure the pain is almost unbearable... The swelling was progressively getting worse the pain was not of a contusion it was and is not a throbbing feeling it is a constant almost needle like sharp pain in the center of my foot "which I have found on no website as a symptom" it's usually in short instances like almost a throbbing everyone says... Does anyone have any advice on what to do now? Cause the wrapped it in an ace bandage and told me to use the "rice" method for my healing process but I honestly think it's broken mabye they read the x-rays wrong? What should I do I do landscaping for a living a ride a motorcycle... Is there anyone who can diagnose or someone who has had this same experience and the doctor was right?
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hope4cure william98806
Sorry that accident sounds very painful. I don't know if any bones are broken in your foot.
I do know I suffered a broken toe and I was extremely sick for a few days nauseous fever and given a shoe and my foot swelled up twice the size turned black and blue causing a lot of the pain. Keep the foot up and take antiinflammatories. Were you dispensed any pain meds?
The best help in this case is to do a follow up at the ER a few days down to road if the foot is not getting better. Stay off the foot rest it up above the heart and ice . It takes time to heal and follow doctors recommendations until your able to put pressure on the foot.
Sorry this will heal in a couple of weeks. What a painful way to spend the HOLIDAYS.
Take care peace and healing!
william98806 hope4cure
hope4cure william98806
Try to wrap the feet in cling wrap over night after application of cortisone cream. Then put socks on over them. It will take 3-5 days to see improvement. I do this a lot especially this time of year winter. I have had dry skin feet crack and athletes foot. And psoriasis. Psoriasis eczema and dry skin all need heavy moisturizers , cortisone cream or steroid creams help with inflammation and heal skin leasions. Occlusion wrap in clear wrap over night is a good way to help the medication to penetrate deep in the derm layers of the skin to help healing. See occlusion online for more info for skin.
Athlete foot is a fungus picked up in showers or wearing soiled shoes and socks and constant sweaty feet. Change shoes regularly use Powers's in shoes to dry out and kill any fungus in shoes. Powder and creams available OTC any drug store for athletes foot.
In the mean time take the meds prescribed I would try occlusion and it will take a few days to see improvement!
Good luck.
pippa58442 william98806
When I had an ultrasound, the radiologist talked me through everything and answered all my questions immediately. I would see someone else and report the fact that they refused to tell you whether or not your foot was broken. What happened to you doesn’t sound right.
lyn1951 william98806
I know here in Australia ALL X-RAYS are reviewed by a senior radiologist, but that can take up to a week. Do you have another ER within driving distance, and see what there opinion is.
Unfortunately they will not be able to take away the swelling, only time will do that, and as the dr's said keep it up
?on a footstool, the higher the better, above your heart if possible to keep swelling down, ice is not really going to help unless it is still bleeding inside, don't put anything on it that is too tight.
You do not want to cut off your circulation, watch for that, numbness of foot, white toes, and feeling cold, that could be disastrous, and you need to go back to ER immediately, look up compartment syndrome, rare but possible with extreme swelling.
Take your painkillers as you need them, watch you do not overdose, READ the back of the packet.
If it continues to swell go back to ER, do you have a tape measure, and can you measure the foot around to monitor, even draw a line so you are measuring the same spot each time, and write the measurement down, for your record as well as the hospital.
?Why do I know this, my husband broke his heel last Nov, 2016, 3 months with his foot up at all times, but thank goodness yours is not your heel, his was much more complicated as he has a heart condition as well.
pearl010775 william98806
I'm not really sure what to say, but I do know that if you ask for copy of your xrays they have to give them to ya. Then you can get a 2nd doc opinion to look at them.