Belly button bleeding and pain! Help!
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for the third time in a year ive got blood and puss coming from my belly button... it started with a pressure last night and when i bent forward it would hurt a little... then tonight i put my finger in it and there was a large amount of blood on my fingure and a little puss.
this has happened twice this year... my doc sent me for a CT scan after the second time but didnt find anything..
what could this be? please help im freaking out!!!
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stephen41258 timlit2r
Ummmm is your button pierced?
If they didnt find anything then just keep it clean and dont stick your finger in it!
And see what happens after at least 5 days
timlit2r stephen41258
not pierced ..
mary19068 timlit2r
Hi timli2r
You probably have a fungal infection inside your bbutton. Your bb has to be kept clean and properly dried after bathing and showering. Fungus thrive in warm and wet environments. You need to get some anti-fungal cream (Canasten) and apply to a dry bb every time after bathing or showering for about a week until fungal infection is gone and keep your bb clean and dry thereafter..
2muchpain mary19068
Ok Mary, if so then why wouldn't drs find an infection?
mary19068 2muchpain
Hi 2muchpain
Only if your doctor has taken a swab had it sent for testing.....
mary19068 2muchpain
Hi 2muchpain
Also, puss is a sure sign of infection....
2muchpain mary19068
So much I what to say back but my device/connectivity is acting up...
pippa58442 timlit2r
Has your doctor prescribed anything for it?
mary19068 timlit2r
Hi 2muchpain
Also, puss is a sure sign of infection...
ren56472 timlit2r
have them take a sample of the puss and send it in for labs.
another girl had this same issue for a long while and it was staph. she was lucky they caught it because all doctors passed her off and it couldve spread to other organs