Beta Blocker for increased heart rate
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i would like to hear from others that have a constant increased heart rate, mine during day resting is 100, any activity increases it from anywhere from 110 -130, lowest around 77 when laying in bed for couple hours, no idea what it is while sleeping, heart condition has been ruled out have been offered beta blocker which i cut into quarters, only take quarter when constant and i need to get things done as dont wont to rely on them, anyone else have this problem with tachycardia, started a year ago and still going.
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rebecca94858 serena11274
I have had increased heart rate for several years now. I was put on a beta blocker. It really was a life saver. Heart rate went from resting 130 to 88. I still have times, especially at night, when my heart will fly out of my chest. My latest problem though, is skipped beats. I feel my heart flutter 100s of times a day. Not sure what to do about that yet. I am thinking it is just a new hormone phase. You might try the beta blocker for a while. It probably would help. I understand not wanting to have to take medication forever though. I find ultimately I just do what I think best since I know my body better than the doctor. 🙂
Kadija1966 serena11274
Hiya, My heart rate varies, my normal heart rate before perimenopause was 61, however since perimenopause it fluctuating all the time, from 49 to 95, I've had thyroid test, ECG, but all is normal. I also get fluctuations in blood pressure too. Sometimes it's low and at times high too.
I'm sure your symptoms is menopause related. Best to observe and keep a journal of your symptoms on a daily basis, that's what I'm doing, so when I get any symptoms I go back to my journal. It does help abit.
Keljo48 serena11274
I take 50 mg of Carvedilol 2 x daily. (beta blocker) I have for years. I started out about 7 years ago now with rapid heart rate. 125 resting. My bp went up to 225/125. I had a bp machine I bought a few years prior to that time because at a doctors appt (for back ache) they noticed my bp was elevated. It freaked me out. I moved to Hawaii (husband military) and started to exercise to try and bring down my bp naturally. I lost weight and it worked. But fast forward to moving and (stress eating) I put on weight, turned 40 and my bp and pulse went up . I monitored it but apparently I thought it would just go back down..IDK. But in 2012 (I was 44) I was having congestion problems and I started having difficulty breathing at night while laying down. My legs were swollen. Then one night I couldn't catch my breath. It scared me, My husband took me to the ER and I thought I was going to die. My lips were turning blue my blood o2 was in the 80s.
I was given meds and chest xray and a diaretic. I was told I was being admitted. A nurse ask me how long I had congestive heart failure. WHAT??? I said. I didn't know!
Anyway I spent 7 days in the hospital came out feeling much better. I lost a bunch of weight and ended up with PTSD from it that last until this day. I take bp meds, I have had a treadmill that I apparently didn't recover well from. I wasn't built to run lol. Anyway ended up getting a heart cath to check my heart. My heart is good, I had 20% build up of plaque. But it was reversible. I take a cholesterol med. Also my cardiologist said I had an acute attack of CHF that I do not have it.
I am not telling you all this to scare you. But first don't tinker with beta blockers. My nurse brother who is also on bp meds. You have to wean down beta blockers. They can mess up your heart if you take them long term and just stop taking them. But he said will be on at least a maintenance dose for life. Just know what you are doing. Go see a cardiologist.
Know what your bp is doing too.
My resting heart rate is about 62 sometimes 59 now. I was told anything under 100 is ok. But get that checked. I started out with 6.5 mg of coreg. I am back to being overweight Ugh.
I monitor my bp, pulse and blood O2. I am OCD about it. Especially now, I have a cough, and sore throat, and it not only scares me about CoVid19 but CHF. I also suffer from LPR (Silent reflux.
I will be 52 next week and am over 2 1/2 years post meno. I have horrible health anxiety. I just had a zoom teleconference with my NP this afternoon. No testing, could be allergies she says.
Menopause was a nightmare, Postmenopause is just hell most of the time.
I have skipping heart beats on and off. Was supposed to get a EKG and holter monitor on the 13th but they pushed my appt to May 18th. Sigh.
Hang in there.
serena11274 Keljo48
im 44 and guessing in perimenopause but bloods not confirming that, ive had several ecg and seen cardiologist who performed a range on bloods plus a ct scan on heart, ct showed 0% calcium and no known causes of my increased heart rate, also wore a 24hr holter monitor, cardiologist told me chances of heart attack in 5 years were 0 he ruled out any problem with heart, i guess its hormonal related but id take 2 others symptons on to get rid off this one, mind you my list is already so long, thankyou to everyones responses