beta blocker withdrawals
Posted , 8 users are following.
Why are long rebound withdrawals discounted by most doctors when their are so many that have issues with this.
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Why are long rebound withdrawals discounted by most doctors when their are so many that have issues with this.
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Isly333 tyt
thanks Mar
sorry to hear about your wife.
marwan40654 Isly333
I have returned to my wife, but when I get tired, I endure so that she does not feel. We have to be patient. All kinds of symptoms occurred with me, from shortness of breath and muscle spasm. Every day a new symptom. This medicine is a demon, but we will get rid of it. It is important to stay away from medicines, no matter how tormented we are, because all medicines have symptoms.
Isly333 marwan40654
good to hear youre back together!
Mar when you had those windows of feeling better, how long do they last.... what was the longest you felt better how many days
marwan40654 Isly333
Sometimes two or three days, then I think I'm back to normal, but suddenly the symptoms return, stronger, meaner, and more anxious, but I'm used to it and it will get better.
Isly333 tyt
Fortunately my symptoms are very minimal right now except the mornings. Mornings seem to be the toughest for a few hours
marwan40654 Isly333
You are right. I also suffer from symptoms every day in the morning until noon, after which the symptoms slow down. This time it is two weeks and I do not suffer from many symptoms, but today and yesterday were disastrous for me, but now it is much better. I think that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be a good feeling.
Isly333 marwan40654
hoping the best for you Mar!
marwan40654 Isly333
For you too
tyt Isly333
Mornings were always the worst for me too.
marwan40654 tyt
What do you feel in the morning? I feel a shiver in the body, coldness in the feet, it is very, very, very bad, heaviness in the head, and popping in the ears. It is unbelievable that you do not know how your day will be. I have an appointment with the doctor, but I will not tell him anything because I am sure that it will make the situation worse.
tyt marwan40654
I had adrenaline surges, very hard to even explain how that made me feel. I had the heaviness in the head and my ears were always ringing. I had the cold chills during the night. Very vivid dreams. I was lucky to get 2 to 3 hours of sleep at night. Some nights maybe an hour of sleep. The doctor didnt help me at all. Just reading all the post on here and knowing what to expect helped me more than anything.
marwan40654 tyt
I think there is no solution but to eat a lot of magnesium
marwan40654 tyt
right now , there is no energy in my body, my legs are tense, and I feel cold in the extremities, and of course ringing in the ears as usual.
Isly333 marwan40654
Wow Mar ... This really affected you. Sorry to hear that.
I have gotten rid of most of the major symptoms, but I still have an elevated hear, palpitations and nervousness
marwan40654 Isly333
If I had not seen this page, I would have thought I had a serious illness, but I am not the only one suffering from this hell
Isly333 marwan40654
Yea this is a living hell. I don't even have that strong symptoms like you and others. But I feel like if this doesn't stop I'm gonna die. I know that is not happening but the mind plays tricks on you when your body is going through havoc
I so miss being calm and relaxed most of the time
tyt marwan40654
Yes I took magnesium glycinate. Seemed to calm me some.
marwan40654 tyt
yes i buy magnesium glycinate today , i hope that it help me
marwan40654 tyt
Someone here wrote that l-arginine helped him a lot, I bought a box today that I hope will help
tyt marwan40654
let me know if you have any luck with it.
marwan40654 tyt
yes 😃
after 3 days i am feel better 😃)
marwan40654 tyt
Are you good now ?
what did you feeling?
latoya96047 tyt
tyt if your still on this thread how long did you have sleep issues. Ive been off for 27 days and my sleep is horrible. When does the sleep get better?
marwan40654 latoya96047
Almost two months, and sleep improves a lot, but the remaining symptoms need two years or more
latoya96047 marwan40654
the only symptom i have is insomnia. So it took 2 months to sleep regular? Did you have to take anything to help you sleep for those 2 months?
marwan40654 latoya96047
Magnesium before i sleep anyway Magnesium is very important
tyt latoya96047
I had major issues for over 2 months. I was lucky to get an hour or two a night. Then I started sleeping about 4 hours a night then wham....9 hours a night. Its crazy how it messes everything up.
latoya96047 tyt
thank you for your response.