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Tomorrow marks one month that I've been on BHRT.. ..and today has been one of the worst days I've had in terms of the internal vibration, weakness, twitchy fingers, nausea, dizziness... so not helping yet.. OBGYN did say it could be a couple months before I notice a difference... I just really hope this is all just menopause... ..and the BHRT does help.
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Sassyr12a JReady64
Hello there
I was on bhrt and it does take a few months to settle. I remember going back to the docs about 5 weeks in to say they weren't working, but it can take up to 3 months. I was on bhrt for about 10 months and they were great. I've changed to hrt now, but wish you lots of luck xx
JReady64 Sassyr12a
thanks...why did you switch?
Sassyr12a JReady64
Tbh took me a long time to decide to switch because bhrt is about the best option in my opinion but after 8 months I could feel some of the old anxiety creeping back in. I did get advice from the meno society, and stuck with it for a while, but my gp seemed to know naff all about bhrt so I decided to go with hrt so I'd get a consistent daily dose (as opposed to gels and creams) xx
Well I'm using the pellets which are inserted under your skin which are supposed to be a lot more consistent than pills. Apparently with the pills your level goes up-and-down and up-and-down and up-and-down every time you take a pill. The pellets are supposed to be releasing consistently while they're in... And I think if you started feelings although symptoms again they would adjust the dose maybe..