Big red bump on head
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My mom has a marble size red bump on her head, and wont go to doctor. She thinks it's cancer. But since my brother had cancer and there was no hope for him she assume just not find out. Any help would be appreciated. Is it cancer or a sist or any thing else it could be.
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JoyKF53 tonya1979
Hi Tonya. It could well be just a cyst that could easily be removed, and probably is if there are no other symptoms. But the only way to find out is to see a doctor. I understand your mum's fears and I am so sorry about your brother ...... But you must make your mum understand how worried you are and that it is not fair to put you through this anxiety when a simple trip to the doctor will settle things. And if it is cancer the quicker treatment starts the better. I have had cancer and am still here enjoying life - tell your mum it's not always a death threat, and I'm here to prove it!
tonya1979 JoyKF53
I it's tonya again, my mom still won't go to doctor and now her hair is falling out like crazy and she has constant headaches is this cancer symptoms?
JoyKF53 tonya1979
Hi Tonya. Only a doctor can diagnose your mum's symptoms, but if she is flatly refusing to see one, despite your best efforts, there's really nothing you can do. She may have her own reasons for this, perhaps she just doesn't want to know so she doesn't have to face a possibly serious illness. It's sad Tonya but all you can do is support her. Good luck.