Bile Salt Malabsorption after Cholecystectomy

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I had my gallbladder removed 11 years ago and have suffered with chronic diarrhoea since, but the condition is getting worse. I've been diagnosed with bile salt malabsorption. Most people lose weight with this condition, but unfortunately for me, I have gained around 3 stone. Has anyone with this condition had the added problem of weight gain. I'm at the end of my tether as I can't lose this weight.

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    I can see this is an old thread but because people are still reading I thought I would wade in!  

    I have bile salt malabsorption following GB removal, and have found relief from the life-ruining diarrhoea from a combination of slow release Tramadol and Colveselam (sp?) tablets.  The Colveselam are more effective for me than the Questran and I am digesting more of my food now, but I have gained 7 lbs in a week since I started taking it!  I think this may be that I got used to eating whatever I wanted because the constant diarrhoea meant I never gained weight, but would like to know if anyone else is getting weight gain from Colveselam.

    For anyone suffering, there is a combination of drugs out there for you.  I didn't want to resort to opiates but they do the job better than loperamide and I no longer wake up 3 times every night for the loo, so if I have to take them so be it!

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      Hi Sally I had my gall bladder removed three years exactly! and have suffered wil the same as you but it was only diagnosed last year I was given Codeine, Lomotil, Loperamide, Questran (YUK) and after I read on a site about Colesevelam I asked my GP for it got it no problem and it was like a miracle! the D slowed down so I was able to go out it was wonderful until a few months ago and the D started up really bad again dreadful pains! I now take two Colesevelam but I have bad days I had what I thought was a a really bad flare up of Acid Reflux and ended up at the hospital because of the pain anyway they think I may have a stone lurking somewhere I have to go for the dreaded camera on the 6th May. I am not a happy bunny. I will take anything to stop all this! I am going on Holiday we booked when I started feeling better there is a 4 hour car journey and I am dreading it. sad Oh and regarding the weight gain ? Oh yes! and I am still gaining!

      Love Sandy xxxx

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      Oh dear, how unfair to be better and then relapse! Are you only on Colesevelam now or still taking the full cocktail?

      I think if I had known what was going to come I would have kept the damn gallbladder as it was only a couple of episodes a year and still much more pleasant than having a baby! :-)

      I do hope they get you back under control again. I often wondered how we are supposed to hold down a job or have a life with constant D!

      If you haven't tried Tramadol yet I can recommend it over Codeine. It's much less addictive-feeling and the 400mg safe dose works for me, rather than the handfuls of codeine I had to have to leave the house before.

      Take care,

      Sally xxx

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      I take two Colesevelam and if I am going out I take two Loperamide that is like a crutch for me I kid myself that I wont have to go when I'm out but I have been caught out and have had to dash to look for a toilet and it has been a close call before now. I didn't know Tramadol stopped the D I will have to ask the doc for some I am just sick and tired of it to be truthful it's just ruining my retirement and my hubby must be fed up with it too I get so depressed. The surgeon told me that they only just got in time before it burst I kept putting the op  off for 5 years! If I take too many Loperamide I can go days and not go but I know that when I do go I can be in there all day. Sorry to be so miserable, love Sandy xxx      
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      No need to be sorry, I over medicate if anything but the way I see it, life is too short to be restricting yourself when the tablets can sort it. Good luck and take care xxx
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    unlucky Shirl,

    I am concerned that I may have bile salt malabsorption. Can you please tell me the symptoms of this diagnosis? This would be most helpful. I had my gallbladder out & am concerned that maybe I should be taking a bile salt supplement.

    Any info would be appreciated! Thank you!


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      Hi I started three months after the GB op diorhea like you never had before sometimes uncontrollable I saw three consultants and three years later before I was told I had BAM but apparently there is a test you can have I think it's called SecHat I have never been given that, I take four bile binders a day and lots of imodium the bile binders are called Colesevlam and there is another called Questran which I couldnt tolerate but I would see your GP if you have very bad D and ask for a diagnosis ASAP! Hope you get it sorted xxx
  • Posted

    I feel fortunate to have found this group as I have suffered greatly for many years.  Unfortunately, very few people understand it!  I have never been tested for bile salt malabsorption nor have I ever heard of some of the Rx products mentioned!  I think I have a good gastro man and will consult about these products, however, I have had a problem with the blood pressure Rx I take causing hair loss, plus, weight gain so, you may want to consider the weight gain cause to be another thing you take.  It is a very complicated problem but, keep trying and most of all don't give up and keep in touch with the good folks on this site!


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    Hi, I was born with bile malabsorption.  My parents spoke of yellow poo in nappies and chronic nappy rash.  I had years of pain and problems growing up. I had my gall bladder removed in 2003 as I had gall bladder disease and gall stones. 2011 I was finally diagnosed with the malabsorption and a hiatus hernia.  I took questran first and when that discontinued went on to colostid. As long as I take the Meds I am fine and it is nice to do the shopping without dumping my trolley and running to the loo. I hope you all eventually find relief like I have


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    I had my badly diseased gall bladder removed in 1995 and had no problems until a few years ago.  Severe diarrhoea about 20 minutes after eating anything (including salads).  Had a hospital consultation and he was most disinterested; said I had IBS and wouldn't even look at my carefully-prepared 6-week dietary log.  He said to show it to a dietitician.  She looked through it very carefully and couldn't see anything on there that would cause such urgent and severe diarrhoea.  She suggested I come back in a month's time, when she would suggest FOGMAPS.  This is where you remove everything from your diet except for boiled rice and plain water and gradually reintroduce things.  She said she wouldn't do this unless she really had to because it would make me extremely miserable.  I asked my GP for referral for a SeHcat scan.  He said those are not offered to people suffering from IBS.  My GP there and then diagnosed me with Bile Salt Malabsorption and prescribed Questran Lite (aka Cholestyramine).  1 sachet 20 minutes before food; maximum 3 per day.  The transformation in me is amazing!  I take it in 150ml of orange juice and it does the trick every time!  Only down-side is headaches (which I have never suffered from until now) and flatulence (!)  But hey, when I think of the sprint to find a public toilet, all my outings dependent upon finding a toilet, soiling myself in public.....then a headache and a burst of wind is a small price to pay!
  • Posted

    Hello. I too have had my gallbladder removed, and about 4 months later I experienced pain in my right side right at the waist, radiating to the front and to the back. Feels much like a gallbladder attack. I could barely breathe without it feeling like a knife stabbing me.

    I'll keep this simple:

    --After your gallbladder is removed, your liver takes on a big load and needs to be watched and cared for very seriously. Even do liver cleanses 4 times a year. Research this on your own. Great information available. Your liver produces the bile that used to be stored in your gallbladder.

    --Research OxBile. I found it on Amazon. When you don't have a gallbladder, you may need a bile supplement. Read the product description, and the customer reviews. Take one capsule when you begin your meal. They call it your gallbladder in a bottle.

    --I've read many blogs where people have had side pain and have had it examined through all sorts of tests, such as MRI, CT scans, blood work, HIDA scans, etc. As far as I can tell, no one can tell where the pain comes from.

    --I research everything, and when I started having the side pain about 10 days ago, I jumped into a deep research about this. There has been some speculation that maybe there was a slight nerve damage during the removal surgery. Who knows.

    --Through trial and error I am discovering that if I eat a fatty meal or eat food difficult to digest, I have this side pain. I feel bloated too.

    --To help remedy the pain and bloating, I take an oxbile supplement. I also take digestive enzymes (not to be confused with probiotics), and Gas-X. Great help.

    --I also do some stretches and crunches, and other calisthenic exercises. These help enormously.

    The bottom line is this... Your diet has to change, and you will need to exercise a bit every day. Simple exercises that work the parts of your body that hurt. Clear this with your doctor. Only 15 minutes of workout makes a massive difference for me. You CANNOT eat like you did before your gallbladder was removed.

    Take the time to find out what kinds of foods you should eat without a gallbladder. Research Oxbile and Digestive Enzymes. Check out information on your liver and pancreas after GB removal. I've had much relief by eating better, and a bit of exercise, even during the pain. It goes away for me.

    Good luck

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      Hello, I had to get down on my knees and beg for my gallbladder to be removed in 2009, because the ultra-sound didn't indicate lots of stones.  The fact that I was drowning in bile didn't seem to cause concern.  I find most MD's focus on what they're comfortable with.  I had to have cholestyramine before my gallbladder was removed, because I was pushing out bile (and everything else) like there was no tomorrow.  I lost over 30 pounds before surgery.  After surgery, I still kept churning out excess bile.  I also have the pain around my liver at times, and my spleen is a trifle enlarged.  I have fatty liver disease, too.  It's important to note that if you have fatty liver disease, it's almost impossible to lose weight!  I started to take choline/inositol to carefully and slowly clean out my liver.  L-Glutamine works, too.  Once the fat gets out of your liver, you can slowly start to diet and lose weight.  But you have to avoid sugar, in all forms, especially high fructose corn syrup, which is in everything.  I loved sugar, and it was  hard, but I got myself off of it.  I've lost weight and my liver's better, but I need to incorporate exercise again.  I was weaning myself off of the Cholestyramine, too, but started to pump out bile again, and had to increase it.   I just found your great community on line!  Good advice Jeanie1948 
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      Jeanie - Found your post extremely interesting. Is there an article or book you could advise reading, toinitiate this liver cleanse ? I'd like to know exactly what worked for you. I'm about ready to try ANYTHING at this point. 


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    I have been taking colesevelam for over a month now and i think they are making me feel worse, i was diagnosed with BAM. 

    i always feel hot, sick, dizzy, stomach pain is worse, so is the diarhea, swollen glands, shortness of breath and god i feel so nervous all the time. could colesevelam be causing this?. they tried me on the cholstrmyne (spelling) sachets but i couldnt keep them down.. is there anything else people have tried? 

    i feel so low its effecting me so much, yesterday was my birthday and it was spent on the loo

    thanks in advance

    • Posted

      Hi Fanta I don't think it will be the Colesevlam making you feel so I'll

      I was told it doesn't actually go into your blood stream how many are you taking?

      I started on two a day but I still have D very bad i have to take Imodium every day if I were you I would go and see your GP

      And see what he comes up with xx

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      I have been told to take three twice a day which I'm doing.

      It doesn't seem to help with diahrrea at all. Seems to be making my problem worse. Wouldn't it be lovely if it would all just go away.

      I haven't eaten anything for 2 days due to the heaving.

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      It's awful isn't it? I have been like this for four years with no end in sight have you tried imodium? They can make you feel weird but they do stop the D for a while xxx
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      I've had it for seven years. They've only just done a scan that found out I have bile acid malabsorption. I do take immodium but it doesn't really work. I just think since taking the colesevelam it's made me worse and nervous also my stomach feels hot all the time. Thats the only way I can describe it. I may stop taking them over the weekend see if there are any improvements in the stomach feeling. Then contact the specialist on Monday morning
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      Hi, Fanta.  You can also take 2 pills of calcium carbonate before each meal.  It has to be calcium carbonate to absorb the bile salts.  It's constipating, though.  Calcium carbonate is just a regular calcium supplement.  If you try it, make sure that there's no magnesium in it, cause that will cause diarreha, too.  The drug companies have added magnesium to calcium supplements because calcium can cause constipation.  Good luck!

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