Binge drinking one night

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Basically I went out about a month ago and I got told a couple of weeks after that I had kissed someone in the club we were in in my local town. I have a boyfriend and my stomach dropped when I heard this. Ever since then I have been constantly paranoid trying to think about the night in detail and I can't actually remember quite a lot on this occasion. I blacked out. I feel so bad and anxious about it. The person who told me I know does make a lot of things up and maybe he was drunk and thought he saw me do it but didn't? I really don't know I wouldn't ever go out and hurt anyone and can't imagine me doing something like this but I got so drunk that one night I really don't know. I don't want to tell my boyfriend h it might have happened because he will go mad and definitely end it. I don't know what to do I have avoided going out since. It's really knocked my confidence and I worry every day about it.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Worrying wont help the situation, due to you not knowing what happened there is not a lot you can tell your boyfriend anyway.

    As you say your not sure if your friend is telling the truth i would be inclined to forget about it, if it does come up again then you could deny that it happened or say that you dont remember.

    Not worth beating yourself up about at this moment in time.

    • Posted

      I know I also feel like if it had happened I would have heard it from elsewhere. I just don't want to be known as a snide cheat or anything. Me and my boyfriend did argue the night before I went out and I just hope that it wasn't enough to tip me over and make me do something like that when I'd had a few and lost my inhibition.

      Thanks for the reassurance.

    • Posted

      Your right if it had of happened more people would have informed you of it.

      Just because yiou may have kissed a man does not make you a cheat either!

      Not a problem.

  • Posted

    Yeah, blacking out isn't good. There's a part of the brain called the Hippocampus, it's where explicit memories are stored (memories we can talk about). Too much alcohol stops it from operating and all of a sudden it can't store memories. That's blackout. 

    Might be time to bust a move on this, does alcoholism run in the family? 

    • Posted

      Not really no, I mean I'd say my family do like a drink but not to the point of blacking out. I used to drink a lot more heavily when I was younger and I used to find that id black out every weekend and be ashamed or paranoid about what I'd done every week afterwards

    • Posted

      It doesn't have to be to the point of blacking out, some alcoholics drink every day. I did that for 30 years and was drinking about 12 beers per day when I started looking for a way out. I never would black out, that's more in the realm of binge drinking. 

      I'd suggest talking to your doctor. There are meds that can help you cut back or quit, but perhaps best to see if you can just put it down for a while. The binge aspect worries me though, it's kind of all-or-nothing. Have a read here and tuck it away for future reference, but do get going with something, if for no other reason than to find out what doesn't work for you.

      hope4cure gives a good tech outline. 

      Are you in the UK/US/Oz? 


  • Posted

    Explination of what happens to the brain when alcohol is injested to the black out stage.

    There are multiple wires connecting different sections of the brain.Like a computer many wires are connecting different mechanisms in the brain. 

    On a normal brain the engine of the brain is working normally.

    WITH AUD ( alcohol use disorder) its the bombarding of the brain with a toxic chemical....alcohol. Alcohol shuts down the reasoning center of the brain & the whole area at the top of the brain. Very little access of oxygen and blood flow to the body, the whole activity which is the function of that area of the brain.

    It also effects the impulses, compulsive, planning, anger, setting goals short and long term goals in life. By AUD training of the wires in the brain that formerly controlled normal functions now turns on the craving center that is active 24/7. 

    There are many areas of brain effected by AUD, the destruction is similar to a computer with multiple wire connections for different services. Like the micro processors of the brain from years of alcohol abuse, the wiring is connecting to areas of the brain are destroyed over time thru this progressive disease.The areas of the brain destroyed are the compulsive control, planning, reasoning, memory, & motivation, all destroyed from alcohol which is comparable to pouring acid on a computer loosing strategic connections. Similar to AUD Destroying all the connectors to different areas of the brain only leaving the craving center active.

    After AUD has had time to effect the Front of the brain it becomes disconnected having to work way to hard in a resting state just to keep up without al use, due to al damage.

    Th Back of brain is the area that helps you understand who you are. It's also shut down from AUD. Its the area of the brain that controls decision making and controls character and solve problems it is also shuts down due to AUD. Brain rehabilitation is required. Approaching AUD TREATMENT thru multi treatments are now evaluated thru special addiction centers.

    Check out the first two posts above from moderator and C3Europe & side bar, The Sinclair Method for medication and treatment available to reset the brain not to crave alcohol relearn normal functions.

    I am a mother of a child with AUD. Educate yourself on black out drinking and AUD . Learn what help is available for treatment and do it for yourself.

    Take the time for yourself, you deserve for a better life .

    As long as there is breath there is hope.

    Peace & Light


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