Bio Identical Hormone Cream
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Hi girls
Last night I took my first rub of bio identical homone cream and within half hour I felt really sick. Anyone else trying this? Will the nausea just be an initial reaction and settle?
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Woo3353 Yellow88
Yes this happened too me, i reduced the amount I dabbed on just by tiny amount then increased it back up. I noticed that sometimes i felt sick sometimes i was fine but i think this is due to your own balance of hormones at time of application (your own estrogen or progesterone but be slightly higher that day) i' ve been using it for nearly a year and don't suffer any problems, it took about 4 months too work but it has improved a lot of my peri symptoms
Keep going but remember to take your days break from it and stop if you are still getting periods
Yellow88 Woo3353
Thanks so much for your reply. I've not used it this morning so I'll try again tonight but just a tiny amount.
I'm 56 & no periods for 4 years do you think I'd get the bleeding? Also the info mentioned it will improve fertility!! Surely not at my stage??
Woo3353 Yellow88
Its just your body getting used to having hormones again all be it natural plant based ones. Its very unlikely this will cause you to have any kind of show as you have gone without a period for a few years and i would say its 99% positive iy won't make you fertile again
Guest Woo3353
Woo3353 Guest
gailannie Yellow88
Absolutely guaranteed you will NOT be fertile again. That ship has sailed!! Replacing your hormones might make you feel like you are a little more fertile, but that requires viable eggs (which you don't have).
Yellow88 gailannie
Thanks Gail good to know.
I'm hoping from what I've read, that the bio's will help with flushes, mood swings, dryness and weight gain too! Too optimistic?
gailannie Yellow88
Well, I guess that depends on your expectations. HRT has been shown to reduce or get rid of hot flashes. But some woman complain about weight gain on estrogen. Vagina like dryness can be corrected with estrogen. And yes, some women do say that their mood swings improve.
However, sometimes women feel better, but sometimes, women can have side effects & not like the treatment.
It's certainly not a bad idea to give it a go, as every women will have her own experience.
Good luck
anetta94863 Yellow88
maisie05 Yellow88
Yellow88 maisie05
I too had thought that flushes etc would be improved by now but reading others experiences it is not unusual to suffer for a number of years!
HI girls, I'm afraid Im not having a great experience. The initial nausea reduced after a couple of days although still there in the background. Then came headache which is just constant in the background again. Today I am fatigued and all this from such a small dose. I reduced the amount I used to a tiny dot.
Sometimes I feel that there is nothing that my body can tolerate. I think I'm going to give up for now and just go through things cold turkey like our Mum's had to do in the "old days"!