Posted , 6 users are following.
Has anyone outhere had good results with HRT ? Does it take the symptoms away? I’m desperate! I want to feel myself again. 😢
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Has anyone outhere had good results with HRT ? Does it take the symptoms away? I’m desperate! I want to feel myself again. 😢
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Aberzerk72 gina24951
Did you get blood work to check your levels?
How old are you?
I’m considering hrt too.
gina24951 Aberzerk72
jan66332 gina24951
Hi Gina ...I’m struggling too with perimenopause all sorts of weird emotions and scarey thoughts feels like my body has been taken over . It’s just not me !!!! My mum passed away 4years ago from Breast cancer and now my mums sister has cancer but hers was caused by HRT so I’m not allowed to go on it , but can’t go on feeling this mad .... just be careful with HRT ...take care 💕
Suki_girl gina24951
If there is no medical reason why you shouldn't take HRT (like a history of breast cancer) and you do not smoke and are not overweight then why not try it? I myself only use local oestrogen cream which has done wonders for my vaginal and urinary health, but it have friends who use patches and they say they now feel like themselves again and HRT saved their marriages. If I had more symptoms other than vaginal atrophy and UTIs I would try the patches too.
jude84900 gina24951
Hi gina,
I am one that can say Bio Identical Hormones helped me right away and continues to. I have been on them for two years now. I was 4 months into no periods and noticed many things I didn't like happening with my body inside and out. There is plenty of reading available out there and videos on bio identicals. Once you start reading you will understand more and be more confident on what BHRT can do for you. Much more than just making you feel better through this menopausal time. Estriol especially is a very beneficial and can protect us against some bad things happening when our estrogens plummet. My symptoms subsided very quickly. I have been on compounded transdermal creams consisting of Estrodial, Estriol, and Testosterone and OTC progesterone cream. Haven't had any problems and plan to be on them for the rest of my life for the health benefits. Good Luck!
gina24951 jude84900
jude84900 gina24951
I almost got on anti depressants before starting my hormone treatment. I decided to not go that route and tough it out until I got on bio's. I"m glad I did. I feel very good now. I have to say I am with a very good holistic doctor who takes the time to do the right lab work and discuss results and treatment plan with me completely. Are you on any supplements to compliment your hormone treatment? Some of the first things I started taking was Stinging Nettles, Alpha Lipoic Acid, DIM (estrogen metabalizer ) I really think its not just BHRT but a combination of many things that work together. Of course good diet along with excercise, especially with depression, get out, stay busy. I take many more supplements ( 18 daily ) plus collagen. A good doctor checking labs can direct you to some beneficial supplements to compliment your hormone replacement. I'm 57, been in menopause over two years and just told my doctor " I feel great". No more thinking I need anti depressants, no thinning hair, skin and nails, no atrophy or dryness. No gloom and doom. Like I said, supplements play an important role and most GP's don't ever go there.
Suki_girl jude84900
jude84900 Suki_girl
Hi Suki girl, These are my supplements
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B LIquid
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Stinging Nettles
Iodine Drops
Nrf2 Accelerator
Multi Vitamin
Omega 3 Fish Oil
Estrodial, Estriol, Testosterone Compounded Creams ( vaginal )
Progesterone Cream
Suki_girl jude84900
jude84900 Suki_girl
Stinging nettles is used for a lot of things. Skin, bone and urinary health. Anti-inflammatory qualities. Anti oxidant. Stimulates hair growth. Prostate health. Some people use nettle for cooking. Nettle creams for healing properties. List goes on. I was put on nettle early on with my hormone treatment to stimulate hair growth.
Suki_girl jude84900
Thanks for that, I didn't know that one. Glad to see I'm not the only one spending a fortune on loads of suppliments!
Azzumi gina24951
Hi Gina, i'v been on BHRT for 9 months due to very severe mood problems. My physical symptoms weren't too bad but I had severe depression, nervous anxiety, anger and extreme obsessive negative thoughts. Its taken a while by get my levels right but I'm finally getting back to my old self. I do still have a few off days but mostly I'm good and coping with life again.
gina24951 Azzumi
gina24951 Azzumi
Glad your are feeling better. 🙏🏼
Azzumi gina24951
It was a slow process for me. My doctor uses my symptoms plus blood work and I have my BHRT as a troche made by a compound pharmacist. Its been adjusted 3 times so far and i'v seen a slow improvement each time but now I'm finally getting back to my normal self so just be patient.
Even though its been slow its absolutely saved me.