Bionet signature series full knee replacement

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I finally managed to register.

Has anyone had this type of knee replacement.

I'm due to go to the spire Hospital 21st September.

I've put it off 3 times already..

Totally petrified. But although I can get out and about. Can walk without aids, going downstairs I can really hear and feel the grinding.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mary

    I know what you are going through, so here’s a few words of encouragement –

    I had TNR left leg 30-11-2015 I also put it off for as long as I could trying all the usual injections etc. etc.- Prof Tim Briggs works at Squire and is one of the UK's leading knee replacement surgeons, he advised my 4 years ago to have it done and said that I would know when the time was right I asked how I would know he replied "very simple you wont be able to walk!!" very true eventually decided to go more local and had my TNR done by Mr. Neil Bradley at the Nuffield in Guildford, he used the cutting block method which is the best of al. To give you an insight, I was 2nd on the list for my op all done and in the recovery room by 10am, the physio came round to see me at 11 am and immediately had me up and walking, a few steps at a time but walking pain free! To be honest, you will have discomfort for 3-4 weeks the pain will start to subside, give it 6 months and you will be totally pain free. ?Probably one of the best things I've ever done and no regrets whatsoever. I've got my life back, walk the dogs and even do some manual work in the garden. ?So my advice is don’t put it off any longer,  go for it and gets your life back.

    Best wishes??

    Jude UK

    • Posted

      Morning Jude

      Thank you so much for your supportive reply.

      I run karaoke sessions for adults with learning disabilities , so need to be energetic to keep up.

      Someone said to look beyond the operation and look forward to the recovery.

      I've cried for weeks being in denial,but now I feel a lot calmer and focused.

      I'll let you know how I get on.

      Thankyou again Jude

    • Posted

      Hi Mary. I had my tkr last weds Should have had it done 5 years ago? Mr McMurtry at the Friarage in Northallerton was brilliant. Whilst i have extensive bruising I am fine, been home since Friday lunchtime having been out of bed on the Weds eve. Physio exercises started on Thursday morning, stair exercises on Friday morning. Glad I had it done. I can do all of my exercises and occasionally feel a bit nauseous. Am having restless nights, but catch up in the day. Walking around well on two sticks with no problem. Trying to keep positive is good. Hope all goes well for you on 21st.
    • Posted

      Hello Jackie

      Thankyou for reply. Are the painkillers helping at all.

      We'll after tears and tantrums am finally giving in and going ahead.

      I'll keep you posted on how I got on.

      Keep up the challenging excercises.

      From what I have read, they really help with recovery

  • Posted

    Dearr Mary

    Who is doing it?

    I had it at Stanmore, 23.5.16, my second TKR. First one done 2 years ago, not Biomet, terrible result., Needs redoing.  Second one done by mr Gicas, fantastic results. Less pain, quick recovery, good luck. Grace

    • Posted

      Hello Grace

      Glad you feeling better. What an ordeal having to have it done twice.

      Mr Hugh Clarke at Bupa Hospital Barton Road is carrying out the procedure

      Am really apprehensive as I am quite mobile at the moment.

      My bones really creak and can feel the grinding.

      But apart from that I am getting around.

  • Posted

    I had a Total Knee Replacement done 1-14-14 I was 44 yrs old at the time. I had done everything in the years before with no relief. and when my Dr said" lets fix it ," I was All in. so when they say "you'll know when " Yes you'll know . the First 3 months were a living Hell, with physical therapy and just getting used to it, but it gets better, just make sure you do everything the Dr. say. I can do anything I want except run and jump, but it's the best thing I've ever had done. good luck

    • Posted

      Hello leah

      Good to hear your story. I'm glad you are settled with your new knee.

      Crikey 44 sounds very young to have a TKR.

      At times I feel as if nothing wrong. Then I struggle downstairs.

    • Posted


      yes 44 is young for a TKR but if I could have found my Surgeon 10 years ago I would have had to done sooner.

      ( I guess I was rough on my body when I was younger, I was a tomboy and a cowgirl, went to Rodeo's and Roped and Barrel raced and played Softball and Ran track , but it was just my right knee that was bad )

      I spent thousands and thousands of dollars and countless days at different dr's. to only have them tell me after all the shots and xrays and therapy that they couldn't or wouldn't help me because of my age. It was to the point where I cried all the time and was in constant pain , nothing helped. and then one day my Pt asked me why I didn't find another Dr ? and he refered me to my Current Knee Dr. Dr Ken Martin. after seeing him a few times and some Xrays and another MRI, he said my Knee was bone to bone and if I couldn't sleep at night it should have already been fixed, I cried when I left that day cause I was finally gonna get some relief, that was in Sept 2013, we set the date for surgery Jan 2014. and after 3 months PT and about a year of learning what I can and can't do it's good , now 2 years out if it wasn't for the scar I'd probly forget I even had a bad knee.. lol

    • Posted

      Wow what an experience you had. To go from rodeoing to crying all the time and then back to feeling good. Well it's very inspirational. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • Posted

    hi mary, had TKR 6 months ago.  this surgery is different for everyone as far as recovery.  ibelieve if your in good health and condition (legs quads upper body strong with good muscle) your surgery and recovery time will be the normal process.  nothing is for certain.  if you read through the tkr blogs on this website you will find out all sorts of information and stories from different folks.  best of luck to you, g-bless, kathy p

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