Biopsy if in early stage of Dementia
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I'm 65 male, PSA has been around 7-8 for past few years but went to 10 between March and May. I refused biopsy when it was 8 saying if it ever got to 10 I'd get one. I've been scheduled for one in a few weeks.
I have been diagnosed with early stage dementia caused primarily by a TBI, additionaly I had genetic testing within the last year for iron overload and was found to have a genetic mutation the greatly increases the probability that I will get Parkinson's, ALS or Altzheimer's...the old brain is not in the best shape .
I have young wife and boy and girl 9 & 10 and therefore the quality of life while I still have the mental capacity to enjoy it is far more important to me than the quanity...I'd rather be dead than go on for years with the brain of a one year old and put my family through that.
I've decided to monitor my mental status but not have biopsies or treatment for the prostrate (or any other medical condition that might come up).
I would be curious if anyone else has been a similar situation and how they handled it.
I've decided
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elementalist jwrhn1951
Dudley71081 elementalist
Without trawling through a considerable number of Posts I cannot be 100% sure, but I think it was Carl, who having mentioned the 23000 PSA reading that EleMan refers to, in another thread, would be the stand out Guy to provide counsel and support to you.
Knowing what little I do, I would nonetheless venture that in your particular case the rigours of diagnosis/treatment, if indeed you have got PC, plus the side-effects of that treatnent ... might be the straw that could break the camel's back in being able to deal with your life in general as it now is.
If you can put it out of your mind and In view of your general health status , there would seem to be considerable wholistic benefit in not pursuing investigations into PC.
In my case, I ignored indicators and mild symptoms for about 8 years. And given life over, I would do it again. Now, post treatment and a relatively poor comparison to what I once was, I look back and think ' I am glad I did that '.
When due to unignorable symptoms I ultimately fronted up for treatment my Urologist commented that he thought I'd had PC for the past 20 years anyway.
So, what the hay?
Yes life is precious, but so is the quality of it and if I were in your particular shoes, I would not be impairing that quality further by pursuing the possibility of PC.
My heart goes out to both yourself and Elementalist. Hang in there Guys! I pray for your comfort and consolation through the difficult times you are facing.
With Best Regards
david41094 Dudley71081
In answer to John (if that is his name), I would definitely not consider a biopsy at this stage. After two months I am still in some discomfort from mine and it now looks like I need a template biopsy - I feel that they will have taken out so much of my prostate that they might as well remove it!
All the best.
Dudley71081 david41094
In short, yes I have. An exchange between Carl and myself might possibly have escaped your notice; but we debated this and I was lucky to receive from him reference to various articles, together with His interpretation of some points therein that definitely melded my previously fluid, but albeit B& W boundaries, into various shades of grey.
Although I am not entirely a born-again W&W, if you were to invite me to tea, I would definitely eat a slice of the pie you might have in mind.
Being an occasional participant in this Forum has definitely broadened my perceptions beyond the Briti-cised Australian Public Health Service's ( albeit faultlessly motivated and well-meaning ) paternalistic and occasionally blinkered/ Draconian overviews. I acknowledge that I was not able to receive these arguments with equanimity from yourself and in good faith proffer an apology which I hope you will accept. Had you had M.D. After your name, I think things might well have been different. ( Which only goes to show what Paternalism-fodder I really am ! ).
It's good to hear from you David. I am very pleased to know you also have permitted yourself to drift into a grey zone. If you absolutely need it, then imperfect as it is, treatment is the only thing which will keep you alive. And like all of us, you are damned if you do and you are damned if you don't. It is simply a matter of the unknowable, i. e. to what degree. I wish you all the very best. Go well.
With Kind Regards,
Just wanted to thank everyone for their understanding and support. Was on another site and everyone there was telling me dont worry maybe they will find a cure for the dementia and I should get a biopsy, one questioned why I was even posting and opined I was an idiot with a death wish. Obviously none of those folks had ever met or cared for anyone with end stage dementia which is a much crueler death, espically on the family, than any cancer I have ever seen..
I am glad to learn I'm not the only one that values quality over quanity of life.
Thanks again for the kind words of support.