Biopsy or not - period after 13 months
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Hi All, I'm in the U.S. I had a period, complete with breast tenderness and my usual week-long migraine, after 13 months. The doctor said I needed an ultrasound, which showed endometrial thickness of 5.7mm. He said that required a biopsy. I went in for an in-office biopsy, but my cervix has closed. He wanted to do a D&C in the hospital, but with my lousy insurance, it would end up costing me over $7,000! That's four months' take-home pay. He tried again after giving me a drug to dilate my cervix. Still no luck today. He said that, medically and legally, he needs to advise me to have the biopsy still or otherwise can't rule out cancer. He also said that given my "period-like" symptoms, he's less concerned and will go with whatever I'd like, including waiting to see if bleeding returns. My boyfriend is nervous and I hate that I'm worrying him, but I don't want to make payments to the hospital for the next several years! Opinions, please?
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tina73315 rebecca95327
rebecca95327 tina73315
pat61957 rebecca95327
laurie93043 rebecca95327
rebecca95327 laurie93043
jayneejay rebecca95327
If your newly post meno - just 13 months then bled abit then you now need another 12-14 months to be post meno.
Last year i was just 12 months post meno and after my well woman check with Gyno ( he does transvaginal scan ) he said my uterine wall thickness was 3.2mm but said it will thin more maybe. ( not via bleeding but drying / thinning naturally etc) i dont take HRT
Hope your doc not scare mongering you
Good luck
Jay x
* not actually being post menopause
* newly started HRT
*inflammation and thinning of the vaginal lining (atrophic vaginitis) or womb lining (endometrial atrophy) – caused by lower oestrogen levels
cervical or womb polyps – growths, which are usually non-cancerous, that can form in the cervix (neck of the womb) or the womb itself
* a thickened womb lining (endometrial hyperplasia) – which can be caused by hormone replacement therapy (HRT), high levels of oestrogen or by being overweight; if left untreated this can lead to development of womb cancer (also known as endometrial cancer)
I have a private Gyno here in southetn Spain- i get everything checked annually thats a pap smear, transvaginal scan, colposcopy ( look at cells on cervix etc ) 3D breast Scan for just 150€ - he is the best Gyno ever - gives you all your images - consultation - and listens and explains evetything throughout- then a written result report.
Jay x
laurie93043 jayneejay
rebecca95327 jayneejay
tbay jayneejay
Is possible to have the details for the Spain Gyno clinic. I will be happy to book for those test while i'm in Spain. Thanks, Toni
jayneejay tbay
i will send you a PM
jay x
Oceanwaves1 rebecca95327
What piece of you did he want to do a biopsy on? Biopsies seem so simple, I guess they are not. I will pray for your situation Maybe another doctor? Or are you in an HMO? How old are you, maybe have everything taken out. I am not joking,
rebecca95327 Oceanwaves1
It would be an endometrial biopsy.
I inquired about a hysterectomy, but he said that wasn't an option and would be more expensive yet.
sheila91262 rebecca95327
Try not to worry.