Bipolar Period
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Hello beautiful and strong ladies! If any of you are going through this please let me know. A few years ago my periods went from 28-30 days to 19-23 days. Lasting on average 4 days. I have always had very heavy and clotty periods, so that never changed...until these last few months. My period in August came on day 29. It lasted 7 days (with days of spotting after) and was light. Then for the next few months they were back to being heavy and anywhere between 23 and 34 days. I am now on my period and on day 6. Again, light but hanging in there still. I almost feel like it's a period leading up to a period. Does that make any sense? I almost feel like it won't stop (also, tmi, but when I poop it seems to make it heavier). I just feel bloaty, pelvic heaviness/soreness, gross, my boobs are tender now (instead of before), and just uncomfortable. And of course my anxiety is flying high. Has this happened to anyone else, and how long did your period last? I know it's normal for periods to go haywire and have read quite a few forums where periods last weeks, but I hate change. Even when it comes to my period, lol! Thank you ladies!
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sakura26 laurie19311
Yep Laurie. Welcome to perimenopause. Unless you're not old enough to be in peri, sounds like that's what it is. If you're in your 20s then I'd see a doctor, you could have large fibroid or something. I'm in my late 40s and had a 3 week frickin period the other month and so did a friend a similar age. And a doctor I saw said your periods can get closer together and become erratic during peri. Just messed up fluctuating hormones. Also anxiety is high during peri. Hang in there if that's the case. It's normal. Not fun, but normal. 😃
laurie19311 sakura26
Thank you for your reply! I should have probably posted my age (face palm, lol)! I will be 47 next month, so definitely perimenopause age. I think it's more annoying than anything, and I like things to be just running right and this is throwing me punches left and right. My health anxiety doesn't help! Was your three week period light or normal? My mind goes to that I will never stop bleeding now, lol! Plus my bloating is horrendous! I look at least 6 months pregnant some days!
sakura26 laurie19311
My three week period was a mix like light in beginning then heavy, then still pretty steady but less heavy, then finally ended. I also have a giant fibroid so am also super bloated. Have you ever been checked for fibroids? They tend to have growth spurts in per. So mine went from 4cm to like 11cm in a few years. Fun times! I was planning to get it removed but then pandemic. 😦
laurie19311 sakura26
I had a fibroid years ago, before I had my children, and it went away. Boy, I can't believe it grew that fast! I know fibroids are common in peri. My bloating goes up and down. I just feel extra bloated lately. Could be all the pandemic snacking...
sakura26 laurie19311
I wish my fibroid would just go away!!! Prob cause you had kids. I don't have any or a husband. 😦 And yes pandemic pounds! I have been putting those on too even though still working a lot. So much easier to snack when home vs. working in coffee shop watching what you spend. I also have lately had all this nervous energy at night, still tired but wired and then don't go to bed until midnight or later! Then tired in morning. Again prob hormones + pandemic. What freaks me out most those is crazy hair shedding. 😦 Want to keep hair. My mother never had any issues. Also losing the "other hair" which is even more depressing and yucky. At least we are all in it together.
laurie19311 sakura26
Yes, I am shedding like crazy too! I can make a whole wig with the hair I have lost! I am the opposite. I have really bad insomnia and am a zombie the whole day. We can't win! Hang in there! You aren't alone!
sakura26 laurie19311
Yep Laurie. Welcome to perimenopause. Unless you're not old enough to be in peri, sounds like that's what it is. If you're in your 20s then I'd see a doctor, you could have large fibroid or something. I'm in my late 40s and had a 3 week frickin period the other month and so did a friend a similar age. And a doctor I saw said your periods can get closer together and become erratic during peri. Just messed up fluctuating hormones. Also anxiety is high during peri. Hang in there if that's the case. It's normal. Not fun, but normal. 😃
sakura26 laurie19311
Yep Laurie. Welcome to perimenopause. Unless you're not old enough to be in peri, sounds like that's what it is. If you're in your 20s then I'd see a doctor, you could have large fibroid or something. I'm in my late 40s and had a 3 week frickin period the other month and so did a friend a similar age. And a doctor I saw said your periods can get closer together and become erratic during peri. Just messed up fluctuating hormones. Also anxiety is high during peri. Hang in there if that's the case. It's normal. Not fun, but normal. 😃
pamela2016 laurie19311
mine are erratic as well just had a discussion with my dr about it changing again im doing all if what your doing i was heavy fir a few years then ut git lighter to heavy again this month started out weird brown first few days then it came on heavy today is day 5 i should have ended today nope still going seems its getting longer past few cycles dr said its normal for this to happen i just wish they would end already. and this pandemic isn't helping the anxiety that comes with my cycles making it worse
laurie19311 pamela2016
I definitely agree that the anxiety is making it worse. The virus has taken its toll just about on everyone. I am on day 6. It has been light the whole time. I usually have to wear three pads at a time they are that heavy. This one (and the one in August) has thrown me for a loop. Especially the length. I am usually done by now as well. I feel like it hasn't been a proper period if that make any sense.
pamela2016 laurie19311
oh bless your heart thats very heavy having to wear three pads at a time, ive been heavy to where I've ruined many clothes i cant imagine being so heavy to have to wear three pads. i hope your supplementing with iron i take iron on cycle week only i was anemic awhile back from heavy cycles. they seem to be lightening up from what they use to be just wish they would end already
laurie19311 pamela2016
Yes, I am taking my iron. I have always been prone to anemia so I make sure I take them. I am on day 7 today. I thought it had gone down to spotting, but I wiped this morning and back to red. I feel like I am losing it. Lol! Maybe because it's been so light it is just taking forever. Who knows. I am with you on wanting it to end!
2chr2015 laurie19311
yep. I'm 48. my periods used to last 4-5 they are 8-10....mostly spotting the last couple of days. some months the cramping is really bad and others none at all
laurie19311 2chr2015
I feel relieved I am not alone. Any type of change just freaks me out, lol. It's just weird going form heavy, heavy for so long and now throwing in some really light ones that are longer. The only good thing is that they are getting farther apart. I hope that means something 😃 Thank you so much for replying!